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Rockaway Park Transfers
Social Linx Index to Issues Greetings in Fullosia The Arthurian Legend IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS Introduction to Fullosia American Standard Jive Military Police Blotter John Lennon: IMAGINE Pokemon Poll Inditer On Line Press Cheerio

"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 4 July 2000, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News: Elian returned to 'special' school in Cuba, John Rocker apologizes to NYC, Why?, Hill in hiding, Bill to be disbarred
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

    RPPS July 4 2000 Edition

  • Elian Gonzolez Returned to Special Cuban School

    The US Supreme Court denied a stay of execution of the Cuban boy fished from Florida water. The boy is to be sent for 'special schooling' in Communist Cuba. President Clinton is said to have donned a 'Young Pioneer' uniform for the occasion.

    see The American Cuban's responce.

  • Waco Civil Trial

    Civil damage trial proceeds in the masacre of religious dissenters by FBI and US Marshalls. The President renewed his request for "responsible journalism."

  • Bill and Hill

    While the President faces disbarment proceedings in his home state, the first ladies quest to be the Madam of the Big House has stalled. Hill has not been seen in public in a month.

    The 'loyal opposition' responds with a virtual declaration of independence by Bob Djurdjevic.

  • John Rocker Apologizes

    Atlanta Braves star John Rocker apologizes to NYC for the nasty things he said. I have heard worse on the streets of New York City.

  • Sir? Bill Loeppky

    Bill Loeppky the witty, hard hitting editor of the Internet's leading literary Ezine THE INDITER previously named Prince Regent of the RPPS in Canada and beleaguered philosopher of 1999 and who was granted the high and extraordinary degree Doctor of Fullosophical Studies was hono(u)red by selection of his magazine for an esteemed place in his country's archives. Right on, Bill! (canadian:Here-Here!) . The Inditer and Dr Bill live up to the societal command to exalt the mundane and demystify the sublime.

    The Inditer's star ecrivian Don Grant "The Man" Deman wrote the best piece of all for the North American national holidays. see The Maple Leaf now at Canada's national treasure The Inditer.

    How do the Tories put the Patriots to shame!

  • In this issue
    1. John Grey

      This is of course the RPPS July 4th Y2K

      Australian born John Grey gives us his picture of Vermont in Vermont

    2. Thomas Michael McDade

      Conneticuter T M McDade celebrates Yankee life in Bread and Fishes

    3. BZ Niditch

      BZ Niditch brings us down home to Kentuck' for his Kentucky Summer

    4. John F Clennan

      John F Clennan tells John Rocker a little secret about New York in Daybreak

  • In The Zines

    1. Gunvor Skogsholm: Poetry Form

      Gunvor Skogsholm, MA gave the Poetry Forum's Golden Award to JD Collins poem in short story forum Time Passages.

      A short version of Time Passages appears in The Inditer on Line Press.

      Poetry Forum/Short Stories Bi Monthly 5713 Larchmount Dr, Erie PA 16509

    2. PTP Pubs:Perry Terrell

      Perry Terrell the recipient of the RPPS Beleaguered Philosopher Award in 1996 when several months of jury duty forced PTP to suspend operations wishes all the independence day babies and the nation a Happy Birthday.

    3. Iconoclast:Phil Wagner

      Phil Wagner of The Iconoclast writes that has changed the format of Iconoclast.

      Phil does not believe in the world of Bill Gates. snail mail address:
      1675 Amazon Road Mohegan Lake NY 10547-1804

      Mel Gibson

      The Patriot
      Fresh from playing the Scottish rebel William Wallace, Mel Gibson joins the American revolution with a vengeance in the Patriot.
      Throw in some skepticism of David Jansen from The Green Berets, some pacificism of Jimmy Stewart from Shennandoah, a little of the anger and intransigence of Glory and put it into the revolution and you have The Patriot. The movie confuses Greene with Morgan and Howe's dogs with Cornwallis' and Guilford Courthouse with Cowpens and Kings Mountain, but is a good introduction to American history to a poorly educated generation. There is a comical scene when Lord Cornwallis' regal Great Danes declare independence for themselves as American Terriers.

  • The Fullosia

    From The FULLOSIA

    RPPS FULLOSIA Dictionary

    American Terrier
    It's Independence Day! Call it whatever you like.

    read Fullosia Dictionary

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