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11694 -- Fullosia Press --

---J Bourke
Rockaway Park Connections
Introduction to Fullosia Arthurian Legend American Standard Jive Fullosia Dictionary Heraldry of the Society Labour Day Celebration Canadian Society

Dateline: 12/03/99 11:50:59 PM EDT, Rockaway Park NY, The Home of Philosophy
Contact: Dean RPPS (The Society)

Welcome to 11694 Fullosia Press on Line.
Sponcered by the Gentlemen of the Society

John Lennon
Dean Seal
In Fullosiam


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RPPS Polemics

American Standard Jive

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Introduction to Fullosia
St Paddy's greetings
Tested Positive
Arthurian Report
JD Collins Literature
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The Inditer
Fullosian Wisdom
A Modest Proposal
Salute to President
Mentor RPPS


  • History Corner
    • Imitation Patriot
      ... The Career of J. Danford "Dopey Dan" Quayle
      He withdrew from the Presidential Race. Is he really gone for good? Is that a promise?
    • The Real Patriot
      ... "My Country, My Country"
      Has the toast of Stephen Decatur the naval hero to President Jefferson been misquoted for 200 years?

      Now Available on the Inditer On Line Press

      Lord Woodburry's Corner: News about the Former Empire

      (Dr James Woodbury Rowe though loathe to declare his whereabouts is required to report whenever he is in a present or former British territory. Out of courtesy to him, this item is maintained. Contributors may offer any item of general offbeat interest or amusement.)
    • Mr Prime Minister
      PM Tony Blair and his 45 year old wife are now expecting their fourth child. Apparantly, old Tony was pretty busy this year between attempts to resolve Britain's 900 year war and to close the stodgy House of Lords. What will he think of next?
    • Twice Told Tales
      Lord Jeffrey Archer Conservative candidate for Mayor of London has run afoul of the press which accuses him of hiring an alibii witness in a libel trial. The witness never testified at trial and Lord Archer recovered from a paper which accused him of patronising a prostitue. It looks bleak for the well known author says the Manchester Guardian, don't count Archer out until you put him in the box and light it afire.
    • Holy Hillery!
      Hillery Rodmann leads the Mayor of New York City in the polls in the race for the US senate. The critical gap is the number of secret service guards surrounding Hillery, said to exceed the population of the state capitol at Albany. Meanwhile confusion in Hillery's cap was resolved when it was explained that she was running for Member of the senate and not Madam of the House. The Inditer on line press meanwhile celebrates a very Clinton Christmas.
    • No guts no soiled undies
      President Clinton brings tears to the eyes of his Presidential guard when he asked us armed forces to make more sacrifices for the cause of freedom. "they laughed so hard they wet their pants," an oberserver said.
    all men Mil Pol blotter Pokemon Red Dragons Fullosia Dictionary JW Lennon
    Your Fullosian Moment...
    Principled Inversion ...
    the normal state of human affairs in which a person's voice changes with their interests
    Today's fullosian moment was provided by The Gentlemen of the Society . Some of our members have been published in The Inditer to which no other Canadian or American Publication can compare. IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS is now available in cyberspace at Denlingers quality books since 1927.
    NOTE: Click here to submit a poem to 11694. Thanks!

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