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Rockaway Park Transfers
Social Linx Index to Issues Greetings in Fullosia The Arthurian Legend IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS Introduction to Fullosia American Standard Jive Military Police Blotter John Lennon: IMAGINE Pokemon Poll Cheerio

"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 8 January 2000, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News The Millenium Cometh,,, Is the New Cyber Age an Unmixed Blessing?,,,Will Pikachu outpoll Hillery?
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

  • Grant DeMann
    noted Canadian author challenges social assumptions in the changing cyber-age Hoodie comparable to a young William F Buckley
  • Songs Sung Through

    Gregorian chant thought to be lost since Henry VIII raided the libraries and pulled down the monasteries has been recovered with the aid of digital imaging. Scholars at Oxford are scanning old parchments to uncover songs not sung in 550 years. The parchments of hymnals discarded in the 1540s was used in printing old books. Little did the syphilletic King realize that he was the first champion of recycling.
  • Right Foot Forward

    Imelda Marco's fabulous shoe collection is now housed in one of the worlds busiest museum. The excesses of the wife of the former Fillopean dictator exceeded that of any woman on earth. Mrs Marco could have ringed the borders of the former US province with her heels and still had some to spare. After the Phillopeans escaped from her heel, her husband's successor put the famous footwear on display in the Presidential palace. To the surprise of the democrats world over, Fillopeans and others flocked to adulate the most fashionably well heeled first lady of all time. Corey Aquino, Marco's flat footed successor, gave the boot to the footware, but Joe Estrada, former American actor turned Fillopean President, pivoted on toe and heel. The Marcos collection is now in the world's most visited museum.
  • Holly Hillery
    President bubba may release as many hitmen and traitors as Hillery needs to seek support for her bid for the us Senate, but Hillery faces a tougher opponent than the sawdust mayor of New York City whose dictatorial delusions make him a local laughing stock. Can Pikachu rescue us and become the first Pokemon to sit in the Senate?
  • Y2K Fizzle

    After months of stormy projections in us papers, the dire forecasts of gloom, riot and disorder, over the second millenium fizzled. On January 1 2000, the lights went on the trains ran, the planes landed, and the boogie-men terrorists did not show up. In its reportage the us press sank to an all time low in yellow journalism.
    Read the incisive report of Bob Djurdjevic "Y2K: The Bug that didn't bite" at Truth in Media.

member of the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy Ring

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