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Rockaway Park Transfers
Social Linx Index to Issues Greetings in Fullosia The Arthurian Legend IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS Introduction to Fullosia American Standard Jive Military Police Blotter John Lennon: IMAGINE Pokemon Poll Inditer On Line Press Cheerio

"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 14 June 2000, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News: Exiled Briton to study in US,,, Democracy on again in Eirein Eire,,, Guiliani out of US Senate race Feds say we didn't drawn down on Cuban refugee
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

    RPPS June Edition

  • Exiled Briton to study in US

    Briton's Labor government roiled the class conscious Tories when it propsed changes to university selections after a state-run school graduate rejected at Oxford sailed without difficulty into Harvard. In the wake of parliament's failure to obtain consensus for merit selection, Britains losses remain an American opportunity.

  • FBI: We aimed to scare

    The armed Federal raiding party which seized Elian Gonzalez in Miami "never purposely pointed {a} weapon" at the 6-year-old refugee from Castro's Cuba. Photographs show the grim fatigue-clad agent training an high powered machine gun on the boy. The President renewed his request for "responsible journalism."

    Meanwhile the Hispanic community in the United States laments as Fidel Castro celebrates his victory. see a Spanish Lament.

  • George W. Bush Promises More of the Same

    Republican presidential candidate reaching out to democratic voters promised to strive for bipartisanship in foreign policy. In effect his pledge to continue the policies of Bill Clinton makes the Reformed Party Mr Gore's principal opponent in the next election.

    Does 'loyal opposition' mean no opposition at all? The Reform Party answers this concern in a speech by Bob Djurdjevic.

  • Gun Provider Faces Trial

    The High Court in Brooklyn ruled that a local man who furnished a BBGun to a teenager must face a damage suit for injuries sustained six months later. While playing with the weapon, the teenager accidentally discharged it into the face of a playmate causing the loss of an eye. On appeal the adult claimed he could not have forseen the tragedy which would follow. The High Court determined the adult will have to sell that story to a jury.

    see decision

  • Dr Bill Loeppky, DFS

    Bill Loeppky the witty, hard hitting editor of the Internet's leading literary Ezine THE INDITER previously named Prince Regent of the RPPS in Canada and beleaguered philosopher of 1999 was granted the high and extraordinary degree Doctor of Fullosophical Studies . The Inditer and Dr Bill live up to the societal command to exalt the mundane and demystify the sublime.

  • In this issue
    1. Janet McCann

      Summer brings us to a new season. Whether you believe we are headed to global warming or to a new ice age, we all have to finish up our house cleaning.

      Janet McCann gives us her perspective in House Cleaning

    2. BZ Niditch

      BZ Niditch brings us down home to Kentuck' for his Kentucky Summer

    3. Homegrown Stalinism

      John F Clennan brings you the little told tale of the Stalistic Show Trial conducted by Franklin Roosevelt.


  • In The Zines

    1. Gunvor Skogsholm: Poetry Form

      Gunvor Skogsholm, MA gave the Poetry Forum's Golden Award to JD Collins poem in short story forum Time Passages.

      A short version of Time Passages appears in The Inditer on Line Press.

      Poetry Forum/Short Stories Bi Monthly 5713 Larchmount Dr, Erie PA 16509

    2. PTP Pubs:Perry Terrell

      Perry Terrell the recipient of the RPPS Beleaguered Philosopher Award in 1996 when several months of jury duty forced PTP to suspend operations reports he is busy working on his June edition.

    3. Iconoclast:Phil Wagner

      Phil Wagner of The Iconoclast writes that he hopes to provide a review of his splendid novel Marlowe in the South Seas.

      Marlowe describes the journey inward of a returning Vietnam Vet coming home. Phil has told me that perhaps the conclusion is not so much that "home" is a physical state as "a state of mind."
      compfreeze Phil does not believe in the world of Bill Gates. snail mail address:
      1675 Amazon Road Mohegan Lake NY 10547-1804

  • The Fullosia

    From The FULLOSIA

    RPPS FULLOSIA Dictionary

    Beligerent Privacy
    protestation of privacy so vociferous that everyone takes note.

    cranial implosion
    absorbtion of so much information that it is impossible to act upon it. syn information glut.

    A zone to provide sedulous material to those who wouldn't otherwise partake.

    Silence paradox
    informational log-jam caused by neither reporting nor obtaining information as a result of clamming up.

    read Fullosia Dictionary

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A publication of the gentlemen of the RPPS
@2000 by the RPPS Corp All Rights Reserved
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