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Rockaway Park Transfers
Social Linx Index to Issues Greetings in Fullosia The Arthurian Legend IF ALL MEN WERE ANGELS Introduction to Fullosia American Standard Jive Military Police Blotter John Lennon: IMAGINE Pokemon Poll Inditer On Line Press Cheerio

"If libraries were open as late as bars we'd be drunk on learning."

Rockaway Park NY 18 September 2000, John Davis Collins, editor
The home of philosophy,,,"Betwixt and Between" since 1971
News: NYC summer school fails: US Secret Service to vote in the Hill: Hill counter-attacks opponent and supporters: Gore the Bush!
About the RPPS

The Rockaway Park Philosophical Society was formed by three friends in 1971. Its mission is to spead the true philosophy expressed in the Fullosia. The Society says it exaults the mundane and ridicules the exalted in conformance with the teachings of Rene Chateau Briand who scorned philosophers who prattle about life but don't know how to act in a dime store." The Society encourages and promotes American culure and a new national language American Standard Jive. Read more about The Society

    RPPS Back to School September 2000 Edition

  • No Lease On White House

    Hill in her quest to leave the White House for the Hill has kept the coiffers of her billion dollar campaign chest filled with rents collected from roomers in the White House. Monied Hill supporters have been paying for sub-lets at The Executive Mansion according to reports in the Establishment Press.

    Meanwhile rank and file ward heeling democrats were beset by trigger-happy FBI who spritzed them with tear gas at Hill's recent rally in Westchester County. While supporters were detained in the choke filled room, Hill was whisked away before the dousing.

    President Clinton applauded the Establishment Press for its "responsible journalism" in downplaying the ever more frequent resort to police violence in the political forum.

    The loss that may have been incurred in the Westchester incident were more than handsomely made up by the announcement that Hill's security service will vote for her as a bloc in the upcoming election. "That's enough people to populate New York's second largest city," observed a commentator.

    "Holy Hillery!"

  • Crime in Cyber-space

    While Hill's quest to be Madam of the Big House takes an up-Hill turn, President Clinton was cleared of all wrong-doing in the Whitewater stock fiasco, where an investment trust voted him all the gains and allocated losses to others. A New Jersey lad, a computor nerd who learned the stock market through the internet was not so luck. Feds confiscated the youngster's toy computor and stole his stash.

    "It's unpatriotic to imitate the chief!"

  • The Spy In The Sky

    FBI and local police have stepped up their campaign against internet users sending unsolicited E-Mails and IMs to men in hopes of luring them to break the law.

    Users should delete all unsolicited messages.

  • Soc-Webb Spruces Following Angelfire Rule Change

    Following implementation of our host''s rule change prohibiting use of images hosted on on other sites, The RPPS has set about the massive task of revising its sites to conform to the new dictat. Under new rules images from sites may not be linked on other servers. Currently, where an images link is established to another site, including other servers, the message image hosted by will appear instead of the picture. Thus on RPPS' Arthurian Report the legend image hosted by appeared instead of the Arthurian court.

    The revision of off-Angelfire Soc-Webb sites is about 75% complete.

  • Inditer dot com 's posting dates

    Bill Loeppky the witty, hard hitting editor of the Internet's leading literary Ezine THE INDITER previously named Prince Regent of the RPPS in Canada and beleaguered philosopher of 1999 and who was granted the high and extraordinary degree Doctor of Fullosophical Studies and whose efforts won him the acclaim of the famed Bibliotek Nationale du Canada announced that Inditer will post new articles only on Saturday henceforth.

    The Inditer and Dr Bill live up to the societal command to exalt the mundane and demystify the sublime.

  • The Rebels Yell

    The Alcoa plant in North Carolina has struck the Rebel Colors to the consternation of the entire Southland. According to news from the Carolinas, Alcoa management will not allow the Red-White and Blue saltaire cross to be displayed on vehicles entering its property. Union officials at the affected plants accuse management of enacting rules to forster unrest.

  • In this issue
    This is of course the RPPS Back to School issue. September brings on a new cycle as summer departs and the brisk days of autumn set in.

    1. Don Grant Deman: The Canadian O'Henry

      Everytime we come to the end of a truly good book or short story a sense of disappointment sets in. If we have come to like the characters, we realise that the story is over and we may be disappointed by the author's next piece.

      Up in the Canadian tundra, there is an author often carried in the nationally recognised who seems to one-up himself with each new piece.

      The humble pages of Inditer dot com edited by Bill Loeppkey, have in their good grace graced us with Don Grant Deman.

      A premier ecrivian in the tradition of O'Henry (WS Porter), Grant has combined in his latest work Harpie the expression of the futility of human efforts in the O'Henry twist with the left-handed moralism of Alfred Hitchcock. This is a splended piece of work, a morality without a sermon, well worth reading.

      Read Harpie now on

      With typical modesty Don Grant Deman replies: To be the Canadian Chocolate bar or to just have the muchies!

    2. Editors Choice: THE RPPS Goes Back To School

      Back To School

      This is the RPPS Back to School and after the first day of schol we should be hitting the books. The RPPS though not altogether unanimously generally believes in the traditional curricula with its longstanding attachment to mathematics and literature.

      While Mayor Guilliani over in New York City has been juggling the books to show that his under-attended summer school was indeed productive of something, the RPPS has already been examining its book list.

      The Society has been asked to review:

      Take That You Commie
      by Rev Marlin Creasote,
      Right Wing Books

      TAKE THAT YOU COMMIE tries to build a right wing Utopia in the tradition of Ann Rand with the style of Sir Thomas More.

      The concept of a future world or an alternative world has always intrigued mankind. The foible of futurism is preaching. Plato’s Republic (in Greek: Democracia) and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia and lesser classics in that genre construct an alternative world in a polemic which emerges from a superficial story line.

      By contrast Orwell’s 1984 and the underplayed TV Miniseries Amerika show future worlds through the story line; polemics are an adjunct to the tale.

      Take That tries the former approach but suffers in its preaching. Reading the author’s biases toward an old fashioned Anglo republic, I can see how such a Republic would falter on factionalism just as the White Russians failed in their rebellion against the Soviets.

      Nonetheless, Take That has some interesting possibilities which the author ignores as a story.

      What type of rebel leader would it take to challenge regular loyalist forces. Would he be George Washington waiting at the door of a rump legislature for appointment and instructions, Oom Paul Kruger reading the Bible on his back porch as he gives final instructions to the Boer Kommandoes facing the enemy bearing down on his capital,, Michael Collins coolly roaming an occupied city in the guise of a businessman?

      And consider that your leader would have to face every obstacle those gentlemen did: particularly discipline in the ranks, factionalism, lack of an established organization and supply system. The opposing machine, even a poor one, has an advantage of regularity over the most ardent rebels volunteers.

      Yet in the very first battle the Rebel General pulls off a manoeuver worthy of General Dan Morgan’s victory at Cowpens, in 1780, five years into the Revolutionary War. And Morgan had the advantage of well experienced troops intensely loyal to him. By contrast the American Army regrettably ran at Lexington and Concord at the beginning of the War.

      The birth of a new nation out of the ruins of the old in the chaos of war would have presented both an opportunity to tell an exciting story and to present the "what-we-fight-for’ as well as the ‘what-we-fight-against’ without so much preaching.

      I would classify Take That as a book with unrealized potential lost in polemics. The strength of the story over the invective is so great that even in this jaded age Christ’s parables are remembered by the many while Cicero’s speeches are lost save to a few.

  • In The Zines

    1. Gunvor Skogsholm: Poetry Form

      Gunvor Skogsholm, MA gave the Poetry Forum's Golden Award to JD Collins poem in short story forum Time Passages.

      A short version of Time Passages appears in The Inditer on Line Press.

      Poetry Forum/Short Stories Bi Monthly 5713 Larchmount Dr, Erie PA 16509

    2. PTP Pubs:Perry Terrell

      Perry Terrell the recipient of the RPPS Beleaguered Philosopher Award in 1996 when several months of jury duty forced PTP to suspend operations writes of a poetry contest in the work.

    3. Iconoclast:Phil Wagner

      Phil Wagner of The Iconoclast asks of the greatest tale which can't be told.

      Phil does not believe in the world of Bill Gates. snail mail address:
      1675 Amazon Road Mohegan Lake NY 10547-1804

      Mel Gibson

      The Patriot
      Fresh from playing the Scottish rebel William Wallace, Mel Gibson joins the American revolution with a vengeance in the Patriot.

      Patriot Counter Attacks

      Some of the fury over the Patriot seems to have subsided with cooler weather. "Oh for 'The summer soldier' and the sunshine patriot,,,"

      Read The Patriot Counter Attacks

  • The Fullosia

    From The FULLOSIA

    RPPS FULLOSIA Dictionary

    1. Hit and Run Batter
      Sacrafial lamb in power struggle.

    read Fullosia Dictionary

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@2000 by the RPPS Corp All Rights Reserved
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