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For the purposes of length, I suppose I should put a few rules on here, though I doubt anyone will actually read them. Nonetheless, here they are. (I assure you, I am strictly putting these here so this page looks like it actually have something on it. Don't feel obligated to read them all and commit them to memory, or whatever it is that you do with rules.)

  • No flames. They're fun, I know, but it's not all that nice (or so I hear). If it becomes a problem (which I doubt, seeing as how no one posts on the boards anyway), I'll probably make a board specifically for flaming. Wont that be fun ^_^

  • No cursing. I'm not going to elaborate on what 'cursing' entails, because I know you're not that stupid. Besides the usual reasons for this, it, and I quote my english teacher, "shows a severe lack of vocabulary." Hey, if your english teacher was as cool as mind you'd quote him too. ^_^

  • Let's see... what else... Well, besides what's aleady up here, just don't be stupid. That might be a challenge for some of you, I know, but try and do all of us a favor by switching on that 'brain' thing of yours.

  • . Fantasy Forest
    . Gametek
    . Final Fantasy Wonders
    . Final Fantasy Downloads
    . Violent Silver: A Kuja Shrine
    . Final Fantasy Planet
    . Final Fantasy RPG
    . Final Fantasy Junction
    . Final Fantasy Sphere
    . After-Shock

    . Quote of the Week
      "You can't let anybody see
    Your real personality
    Is it pride, or just your false pretenses?."
    Firehouse - In Your Perfect World
    Copyright © 2001-2002 Final Fantasy Warehouse
    This is only a fan site and is no way related to Square.
    All original artwork can only be taken with Final Fantasy Warehouse's consent.