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Hello there and welcome to my little piece of heaven. I go by the name Angelfury here on the web. that is what most people call me, except for a select few who call me by my given name. I have been online for a few years now and started my 1st website 3 yrs ago.

I had not updated in the past year so it was time for a new look. on these pages you will find things of importance to me. Music, poetry, friendships etc. My sites have become a way to express myself. It has become a passion.

Grab a beverage, sit back and relax. My hope is that you find this little piece of the net a relaxing and entertaining one ::smiles:: I know there is not much here right now, please be patient as I re-design and upload pages. Thank you

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The artwork of Dorian Cleavenger *permission granted* Please visit his site!

Permission Granted

You are listening to "Possession"
by Sarah MacLaughlin

Copyright and all rights reserved
The music here is purely for entertainment
and educational purposes only,
without any commercial interest whatsoever or profit of any kind.
Titles have copyright by their respective artists and record companies.
Please support the Artists by purchasing their Cd's.