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Please fill out this form to apply for your Angel Pages award. The only requirement right now, is that it has something to do with pregnancy/neonatal loss. It can be a personal site, a support site, whatever. All awards are personalised for your site, and will be sent to you through e-mail so you will have to upload it and add it to your site yourself. Please don't feel obliged to fill out all the questions in the form, but make sure I have your name, your sites url, and your e-mail addy, with a brief description of your site and why you think it should recieve an award. If I don't get back to you right away, it doesn't mean you haven't won, it just means I'm a busy girl! Please click here to return to the main page, or use your browsers back button.

Apply for your Angel Page's award.

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Your company:

Your phone number (with country, city, area codes):

City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

What is your sites url?
Please tell me about your site... Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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