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As many of you know our mother has taken very ill. She was misdiagnosed with cirrosis which turned out to be stomach cancer. She is home now for a few days and on oxygen.

Anne Passed away surrounded by family and friends on June 5th, 2003. These pictures will remain posted for so long as this webpage stays up. Please feel free to sign the guest book for family to read. Her sisters Amy and Eleanor were here for a week and our sisters, Kathleen came up from Washington and Laurie came from Calgary. Cousin Don came from Victoria and we all spent time with mom and each other.

Cameras were everywhere and we would like to share with everyone our joy at being together and our special moments with mom. Please keep us in your prayers.

I just want to add that we have all found forgiveness in our hearts and there is no sadness over the past and there is hope for the future. Our awesome God has made this possible.

Because there are so many pictures, I have decided to just leave them on the server rather than load them on to several webpages. To view the pictures, just click on the names and you will be taken to their storage place. Just hit the back button on your browser to come back to this page and see the rest.

Thanks to Auntie Eleanor, Auntie Amy, Don and Bill for the lovely pics. I put them up in a big hurry so a few of them are repeats, but I didn't realise this until after they were on. Please excuse the repetition.I put the guest book at the top so if you would like to send a message to mom or put in a prayer we will bring them to her and read them.

View My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook

Anne Amy and Eleanor
More of the sisters three
Mom Wayne Darlene and Amy
Mom and I
Mom and I - Again
Mom and I - Again - Thanks for bringing us back together
Grandma Anne with Raymond and Raven
Three sisters plus one of Amy Virginia and Eleanor
Aunt Amy unwinding
Amy and her number one son
Amy and Don hamming it up
Amy and Jonothon
Me and Billy
All of us with Aunt Amy
Bill and Jennifer
Bill and Jen with me
Wayne and Darlene
Cousin Don
Don and Jonothon
All of us with Auntie Eleanor
Jen and Laurie
Kathleen Don Amy Raven and Raymond
Kathleen don eleanor Raymond and Raven
Laurie and Jennifer
Raven and Raymond sinking a few balls
Raven and Raymond
Mom's Husband Steve
Wayne and Darlene
Wayne Raymond and Raven

Our family web pages Immediate and extended!

Wayne and Darlene
Virginia and Bill
Laurie and Jennifer
Matthew and Derek - Virginia's Dynamic Duo
Jackson, Kelsie, Keaton and Juliette - Kathleen's Fabulous Four
Lauren, Raven, and Raymond - Jonothon's Terrific Trio
Wayne and Laurie's Parents
Aunts and Cousins
We meet our Sister Laurie for the first time
Aunt Amy and her kids and grandkids
More of the Knight cousins - Aunt Amy and her kids and grandkids

Home Page

My Favourite links page