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I am so very pleased to be able to put these pictures on the webpage. I didn't in my wildest dreams ever expect to get a picture of Laurie and Wayne's Dad, Gerry. I wrote to him last week requesting a picture of him to put on a webpage I was making for Anne's kids, but told him there was no pressure to send one - just that it would be nice.

Gerry Hudson

You can imagine my delight when this picture of Gerry showed up in my mailbox.
Thank you Gerry for sending this on, and for putting another piece into the puzzle that makes up Laurie's life.
Gerry had no idea when I requested his picture that Laurie and Jennifer had been found.
I don't even know if he knew who I was so I wrote him again telling him that I hadn't been completely honest with him when asking for his picture. I told him about Laurie and Jennifer, and the very next day he sent on the picture.

Anne Campbell

I don't have a recent picture of Anne, so until I do, this will have to suffice. Anne, I can only imagine the overwhelming feelings that must be going on for you right now, and I hope you can write me after this weekend so I can put your words in here instead of mine.
This has been a wonderful labour of love for me. I am glad that in some small way, I have managed to put together some new memories and some pieces in to place for your children and grandchildren.
My prayers are with you all this weekend as you come together in love and anticipation.
May this miracle go on forever.
With love and deep gratitude to be part of this family. Cathie

Home Page
Wayne and Darlene
Virginia and Bill
Laurie and Jennifer
Matthew and Derek - Virginia's Dynamic Duo
Jackson, Kelsie, Keaton and Juliette - Kathleen's Fabulous Four
Lauren, Raven, and Raymond - Jonothon's Terrific Trio
Wayne and Laurie's Parents
Aunts and cousins on the Campbell side

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