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I was a policewoman. I saw all kinds of freaks and gimboids in a normal day. Some of them even claim to be animals, some act like them but they're usually high on crack.
That week started badly, 2 robberies, a homicide and a jumper just on Mondays shift.
By Wednesday I couldn't sleep, more crimes, dirty filth and deprivation. Weather always bad, it seemed to be raining and dark all the time. I had too much energy. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate.
Thursday and Friday worst. The weekend always seems to bring out the psycho's in force. Shifts seemed longer and I couldn't focus on the job I actively hated doing.
Funny thing happened early Saturday morning. About 2am a crackhead came in raving: he was being restrained by Biggs and Jones using 'reasonable force', a joke phrase from either side. He saw me and started cowering away, yelling "It burns, It burns." I left him to the arresting officers.
Rest of Saturday off: after a sleep, got up in the evening. Nearly got run over because I wasn't concentrating.
Sunday night and back on shift. Got called to help cordon off the Rannock building with a suspected bomb threat. Breaking the rules I entered and turned off my radio. I left it on the floor of the lobby: had a felling I wouldn't be needing it again.
The bomb pulled like invisible elastic; I knew exactly which room it was in. The door beckoned and I savoured the last moment of being human.
Opening the doors, an inrush of air and I stared into a reflection of myself. A second of crackling flesh and burning hair and the freedom for one glorious moment, wings spread across the darkness before dying back, the firemen acting as judge and executioner killing me in my dying throes.
I will be born again. .