Breeding like....

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Lauren walked in through the back door and yelled “I’m home!” She waited for the reply, knowing that Tom should have gotten home before her. The house was quiet.

She put her briefcase down on a kitchen chair, took off her high heels and suit jacket and put the kettle on. She shook the rain out of her long ears and sighed. Why wasn’t he home? Then a small sound: a quiet single thump from upstairs. Her heart beat a little faster and she quietly put down the magazine she had been reading whilst the kettle boiled.

She strained to hear any other small noise. Her large ears picked up nothing. Deciding to investigate, she looked round for something to take up with her. What if it was a burglar? A stranger in their house?

Her paw closed round her umbrella as a muffled cry came from one of the upstairs rooms.

Where was Tom? Did they have him? What if he was hurt? She opened the door to the downstairs hall and paused, muffled scratchings and squeakings where definitely somewhere upstairs. Her pulse pounded as a low moan filled the hallway; it sounded like Tom.

Thankful she had taken her heels off in the kitchen, she quietly climbed the stairs, her heart pounded in her ears and she felt fear running under the adrenaline rush.

Reaching the top, she saw that the bathroom door was open and empty, that only left the small study and the bedroom. She listened: the sounds came from the bedroom, perhaps two or three people. She wondered wether she should call the police and decided against it: her mobile was in her bag in the kitchen and the only other phone upstairs was in the bedroom. She would have to do something herself: taking a deep breath and gripping the umbrella tightly, she opened the bedroom door quickly.

The umbrella dropped from her paw as she stood in the open doorway.

The bedroom had been transformed. Her delicate pink chintz had been covered in white sheet rubber.

Candles covered every flat surface, lighting the room with a soft glow and dripping black wax onto the rubber. There where four rabbits in the room, three standing and one suspended from the four poster bed frame, spread-eagled, face down. Two of the three where pale brown furred and dressed in pastel pink bra, pants and heels, whilst the third was black and white and dressed a short black rubber dress. She had impossibly high-heeled ankle boots in bright red, the same colour as her lipstick.

Lauren’s gaze shifted to her husband; he was dressed in black rubber, with his white bob-tail sticking out of the crotchless jump-suit. Something green and feathery was sticking out just below it. A zipper held his mouth closed and open zips surrounded his eyes. His black ears where protruding out of a single hole. Suspended above the bed by chains, he tried to get towards her, but the steel bars and handcuffs held him.

Slowly the rabbit in the black dress moved over to Tom and put her hand inbetween his legs, Lauren watched as her husband squirmed, shaking the frame of the bed and moaned through the closed zipper as the large carrot was slowly removed from him.

The tableau froze for a long minute and the slowly Lauren closed the door, walked down the stairs and into the kitchen closing the door behind her.

She sat for a few minutes before the door opened and one of the brown rabbits in pink stepped in.

“He’s been asking for you.”
Laura said nothing.
“I’m Susan.”
No reply.
Susan sat down opposite Lauren. “It’s not a bad job, you know. Pays better when you’re trained, though.”
Lauren stared at the table.
“Lady asked me to come and talk to you, see if you where alright an all. She’s very strict, but I guess I like that, really. Not everyone’s cup of tea, though. Can I make you a cuppa?”
Lauren nodded.
Over tea, Lauren finally spoke “What are you doing to him?”
Susan took a sip of tea, considering before answering “The company I work for offers a service. Each client is assessed before being allocated to a specialist. Some clients prefer watching, some clients like pain, some bondage, some don’t mind trainees taking part, or helping out. I help with about 3 clients now and have started getting my own client base. Your husband’s been very good at helping train us recruits.” She smiled, “As for what we’re doing, we’re doing exactly what he paid and asked for.”
“Won’t you come up? The Lady’s gonna punish me for spending so much time down here. Besides it’s not often a husband will ask for his wife in this situation.”
Susan put her empty cup in the sink and left Lauren to her thoughts.
The door closed and Lauren sat for a long time, before putting her empty cup on the worktop.
Her thoughts ran faster than she could keep up. What had he been thinking of? How long had this gone on? Did he really enjoy that? Why hadn’t he told her? How dare they, in her house?
The anger gave way to strange curiosity, What was it like? How long did it take? What was it costing him? Did it hurt? Dare she try it? She stopped, realising what she had just thought and sat down heavily.
Strengthening her resolve, she opened the door and slowly walked up the stairs.