Story Pages

Favourite book and film quotes above - we like! There should really be some from Buffy, but there's just too many good lines and some of them don't work out of context.

So... stories... so far there are three and one of those isn't finished yet. In the near future there should be some poetry (When I can get round to digging it out of wherever it's hiding) and stuff on here. Should be some good things on here in the future.
The content of some of the stories may offend... please don't take it personally! If you are offended, then I apologise and hope you will still look at my site for stuff.
All stories and poetry linked to these pages is by me... you are quite welcome to copy it, but not to assert yourself as it's author!! - please aknowledge where it comes from!
These three stories where written between December 2000 and now, work still in progress, I'm afraid. They where written in response to a good friend of mine realising he was 'furry' - (Look it up on his site if you're not sure - Thalyis Den link on my Links Page)and subsequently me realising it a bit too!
It was a subject I'd not come across before and a few ideas sprang up and developed through the next couple of months. I'd had the idea for 'Blue' for a long time, but wasn't sure what medium to use to portray it accurately to the image in my head. Originally I had it in some kind of graphic artwork format, but as I'm not that good at drawing, I settled for writing it instead.

This Furry Fems' Ring site is owned by Blue Phoenix.
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NEW IN !! Eltons furry hair page!! - no, seriously, there's a hairdresser in Sheffield who does wicked haircuts. Thalyis just had his leopard print cut redone, so I thought I show you some others

Ok... you can do the e-mail thing if you want to... would appreciate feedback on stories as they stand, as I've only just begun to find the time to write. - nothing harsh please! - I'm only a beginner!

Story-'6 Months'
Story-'What it is to be Human'-Unfinished
Story - 'Breeding like...
*NEW* On to Eltons Furry Hairstyles Page!
Back to personal page
Phoenix poetry page
