Useful Links

There will be a rune site list soon - I promise!

Also try the link to Amazon, if you key in for information on books about runes, there are about 205! (at last count) Try searching on the waterstones site too - information is displayed in a nice clear way.

The friends and associates links are some of my current friends and their sites - pretty simple really! Thalyi's Den is run by a good friend of mine - he's only young, so be nice to him! There will be more addresses here once I've done a bit of investigating to find correct web page addresses for friends and useful people.

Useful Links

Amazon (internet booksellers)
Waterstones (British booksellers)
WHSmiths online booksellers

OTHER RUNE PAGES! - and assorted stuff

Stormycloud's runes and stuff pages - really good!
Viking Runes page
Jule Saga - not really relevant, but very funny!
Ancient (and sometimes wierd) civilisation stuff
What can I say?! The Princess Bride rocks!!
Princess Bride and Chickens... no really, it's very funny...
Isle of Man runes I
Isle of Man runes II
Isle of man runes III

Friends and Associates sites

Kolat Ray's site (weird stuff!!)
Thalyi's Den
Bens Asylum (nice place but wouldn't want to live there...)