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Sorry guys, but Vanessa's Britney Picture Service is now closed. I'm closing this
site because of several reasons... I no longer have as much time as I did two years
ago to work on fansites, I'm busier than I have ever been before, and things aren't
going to slow down for me, since I have a lot ahead of me. I've also loss interest
in this site. When I first opened it, I couldn't wait to get on the internet so I could
create the picture service and sent it out to you guys, but now it's no longer fun
for me, it's a lot of work and takes a lot of time to do, and time is something that I
just don't have. Another reason for closing the site is, I usually send out the picture
service with my yahoo account, but now that my account is no longer working, I
have no way of sending out the picture service.

In the future I would love to have a regular britney fansite, but this won't happen
anytime soon. I don't think I'll ever re-open the picture service, but hey, you never know.

I've decided that I'm not going to give this site away since all of my personal
information was filed when I created this account, but instead I will leave the
picture gallery open for you to view. If any of you would like to take the picture
service idea and create your own site, than please feel free, heck I'll even join
it if you want me to.

Even though I have closed this site it doesn't mean I'll be gone forever, I have
several yahoo groups, which I plan on keeping open and updating whenever I can.
I encourage you all to join my britney group called: Britney Superstar Forever.
At this group I post britney news and pictures everyday, so if you join it,
it will be like the picture serivce, but instead of receiving news and pics once a
week in your mailbox, you'll receive it everyday! To join, put your email address in
the box below or you can visit the group before joning by clicking on the
link below the join-up box.

Lastly, I just want to thank everyone for joining the picture service,
without you, this site would be nothing. So thank you so much for joining and sticking
around, it really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed the picture service while
it lasted. You can still keep in contact with me, if you wish by using the email address
at the bottom of this page. If you have any comments or questions than please do email me.

Well, I guess this is it, so goodbye, and thanks for your support over the years.


Vanessa Andrews

Opened: December, 6. 2000
Closed: July, 20. 2003


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Britney Superstar Forever
Amanda Bynes Now
The Actors of Gilmore Girls
Rachel McAdams


Total Number of Visitors since 12/06/00 to 07/20/03: 22947

