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Black & Blue Tour, Los Angeles, March 15, 2001

On this night we saw them in concert & at their hotel. This night Brandy, her mom Cheryl, you all remember Kayla, her mom Yvette, my mom Rena and I went to the concert. This was Brandy & Cheryl's first BSB concert. It was awesome as always, but Kayla, Cheryl, Brandy & Yvette wanted to try and meet them like we had done the night before. So we headed to the hotel, but the crowd had grown. There was not just like 10 of us like the night before, oh no, there was a whole group of psycho fans on the other side of us that were really annoying. Anyway, just about 10 minutes later, Nick's bus came. Security at the hotel blocked off the other side of girls away from the bus, except from our side whom was really calm so they didn't bother with us. Picture Taken By Friend Megan The psycho fans screamed really stupidly as he walked out of the bus. Well to make matters worse, this girl ran up to Nick and put him in a neck lock and said "Nick, oh my God I love you. Love you!" and as you can probably see in the pic, Nick looks like "Please get away." and he looks scared to death! I really don't blame him. His bodyguard tried removing her from him, but she wouldn't let go until finally she gave in and he rushed Nick inside the hotel. Afterwards, she was crying and saying "He hugged me! He hugged me!", and there I am thinking, no he didn't, you practically attacked him! You know!? Everyone was saying how she ruinned it for everyone who had never met Nick before which was so very true. Anyways, after that stupid thing happened, A.J. came out of the hotel and said hi to our side only. About a half hour later, A.J. came back just from Tower Records and a pack of cigarettes in hand. He went in of course. We conitnued waiting for any of the other boys to show, but no one showed...except for a girl by the name of Pink!!! She got out of her car and I said "Pink? Pink can we take a picture with you?" She smiled and said "Yeah." So me, Kayla, Brandy, and Yvette took a picture with Pink. She was so sweet, and I told her that her music rocked because I love "Most Girls" and she repiled with a happy "Thank you." After that we had started a trend because no one knew it was her, so the other side started asking to take pics with her. Besides Pink, we also saw DMX and I said "Hi!" and he said "Hi." back. We didn't take a picture with him though. Now after them, there was no one. Kayla was getting very tired and cold, but I was still up. We ended up going home because she was tired and it didn't seem like any of the boys were going to show up.

This pic was from the night before (3-14-01) of Megan and Nick.
From what my friend Megan told me....---->
Howie showed up later...but it was very funny what happened. Her friend told her that Howie was in a car that had just pulled up behind them and Megan said that Howie would not be pulling up a .... (Sorry can't say the cars name for privacy) and walking across wet grass right now. Well, it ended up it was Howie and he smiled at Megan and went inside. So it was cool she saw Howie. Well, basically as you can see, we didn't actually take pics with them this time, but that's always okay! I am glad I can just share this story with you anyway! ;)
