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BSB Interview

Are you street smart?

Howie: Yes, I think we are to a degree. Orlando can be quite rough at times, so you have to be a little street smart.
Brian: Yeah, there are some areas around my house that aren't so nice and you have to be on your guard.
Nick: You have to know your way away around OK...
Kevin: Well, I can look after myself OK, so think I'm pretty street smart.
AJ: I do my best to avoid trouble. But If trouble finds me, I can deal with it.

What do you consider to be a dead-end street (ie. you don't fancy it)?
Brian: Rice pudding - I hate it!
AJ: Broccoli!
Kevin: At the moment, I'm trying to avoid coffee, so it would have to be that.
Nick: Drugs.
Howie: Yeah, that goes for me as well.

Are the streets really paved with gold?
AJ: No, who told you that? They're lined with that tar stuff!
Nick: It kinda depends where you are.
Kevin: Only in your dreams...
Brian: Well, they are in Disney Land!
Howie: And they would be if you brought your own street and covered it in gold!

Do you look both ways when crossing the street?
Nick: You'd be foolish not to.
AJ: Of course, doesn't everyone?
Howie: (Turning to AJ) You say that, but you forgot to look when we were in Canada and you crocked your foot!
Kevin: I was nearly hit by a truck a few years ago, so now I'm real careful.
Brian: I'm real careful, too - I even look both ways when I'm crossing a one-way street!

Who was the last pop star who crossed your path?
All: Aaron.

Do you ever worry that you might wind up being a road sweeper?
Kevin: Not on a regular basis, no!
AJ: I do, every day of my life.
Brian: I don't, 'cos if I stopped singing, there would be other things I could do, no problem.
Nick: There ain't nothing wrong with being a road sweeper. But I guess I'm better at singing, so no, I don't worry.
Howie: I don't ever think about that kind of thing, you know. But I guess that if I did become a road sweeper, at least I could tell you if I found one of those streets paved with gold, couldn't I?
