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On this page you will hopefully find listings of items no longer needed, or requests for needed items. "Swap for" listings are fine - either a specific item, or W.H.Y (What Have You).  If you have a $ amount in mind, then that is between the buyer and the seller - and will be noted on as a $$ at the end of the listing.

Remember - this is a convenience for private transactions only, no comercial listings, no livestock, no offering of stud services, and the operator of this site makes no guarantee as to the reliability of either the buyer or the seller.   The date at the end is the date the item was posted to the site.   Please advise the list when the item is sold or no longer available.

That being said - have at it!

    Ontario - Looking for used, Medium dflite Tack box. Good Shape, contact

    Does anyone have an obedience practice set of jumps for sale? Or possibly rent? 3/17/00


    Wanted in Cranbrook, B.C. - Varikennels (or equivalent) size 700 (Giant).
Contact 1/24/00

    WANTED in the Fraser Valley (BC): X-pens - 48" (prefer with no door or roof), Crates - 450 and up or X-large to Giant size, Crate dolly (hold up to 200 lbs). Contact 1/24/00

    Wanted in Newfoundland: X-pens, grooming arm & clamp, contact: sundance@nf.sympatico.ca1/11/00

   Item(s) available: Breed books - Training Your Retriever (1980) - Messengers From Ancient Civilizations (1995) - The Samoyed (New Zealand) (1966) - Great Danes Past and Present (Dr. Morell Mackenzie) (no date, antique) - The Book of the Chow Chow (1977) - The Source, a Great Pyrenees Annual (1999) email for prices, condition, shipping
contact 1/11/00

    Wanted in Ontario - 1" square floors for 3 x 3 cocker (puppy) pens.  $$ or trade for 1/2" straight floors.  contact:jcouch @home.com1/10/00

    Wanted in Alberta: Grooming arm & clamp; X-Pen; crate dolly
contact: carara@cadvision.com1/10/00