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Rebel Alliance Profiles

Admiral Ackbar

Age: Unknown

Species: Mon Calamari

Home Planet: Unknown

Quote: "It's a trap!"

First seen: Return of the Jedi

Weapon: None

Description: Originally a inerpreter for Grand Moff Tarkin, Admiral left the Empire and joined the Rebel Alliance. He helped the rebels attack the second Death Star and commanded them.

Anakin Skywalker

Age: 9 (The Phantom Menace)

Species: Human

Home Planet: Tatooine

Quote: "I had a dream that I was a Jedi, and I came back and freed all of the slaves."

Weapon: Lightsaber

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: This young boy grew up with his mother as a slave on Tatooine and owned by Watto. Unknowing that he was the chosen one, Anakin helped out people and drove in pod races by using his Jedi reflexes. He later met Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme, and Jar Jar Binks, and a adventure began, taking him all the way to Coruscant, then Naboo. After that, peace was restored to the planet. Years later, he was trained by Obi Wan Kenobi to become a Jedi Knight and married Queen Amidala.

C3PO (See-Threepio)

Species: Droid

Home Planet: Built on Tatooine

Quote: "I don't know what this is all about, but I am sure that it is your fault!"

Weapopn: None

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: C3PO was built by Anakin Skywalker and left on Tatooine, not knowing that he would be a key "person" in the struggle against the Empire. His counterpart, R2D2 had been on many adventures. They later landed on his home planet again and was sold to Luke Skywalker by Jawas. His master Luke, took the droids on the Millennium Falcon to stop the Empire, and from there on it was history.


Age: 200

Species: Wookie

Home Planet: Kashykk

Quote: "Rawrrr!"

Weapon: Crossbow

First seen: A New Hope

Description: Chewbacca first got out of his planet of Kashykk when a young pilot named Han Solo rescued him from the Empire. Chewbacca owed Han a life debt and followed Han on many adventures and meets some new friends: Luke Sywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Princess Leia. When Han had been frozen in carbonite, his orders were to protect the princess, and he put C-3PO back together. After Han had returned, Chewbacca helped his friend save the galaxy while fighting at the forest moon of Endor.

Han Solo

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Unknown

Quote: "Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops boy!"

Weapon: Blaster

Description: Han Solo was a smuggler in his earlier years and he recsued Chewbacca. As the years went by, he met Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke when they went to rescue Princes Leia. Han was frozen in carbonite for the first time by the empire and was given to Jabba the Hut. Once he was rescued he helped the rebels destroy the Galatic Empire.

Jar Jar Binks

Age: Unknown

Species: Gungan

Home Planet: Naboo

Quote: "Pee yousa!"

Weapon: Booma

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: Jar Jar Binks was once a happy gungan, until he was banished from his home city under the water and was forced to stay above ground because of being clumbsy. While staying above the water, he met Qui-Gon Ginn and Obi Wan Kenobi. He became their sidekick as the two knights made their way through Naboo, and even Tatooine. Once he got back to his home of Naboo, Boss Nass made him general in the fight against the droid army.

Lando Calrissian

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Uknown

Quote: "This deal is getting worse all the time."

Weapon: Blaster

First seen: The Empire Strikes Back

Description: Owner and Administrator of Cloud City, Lando fell into trouble and left with Princess Leia, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2D2 when the Empire had taken it over. Where no where else to go, Lando joined the Rebel Alliance and helped save Han Solo. He borrowed the Millennium Falcon from Han and helped blow up the second Death Star when he flew into the trench and blew up the main reactor.

Luke Skywalker

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Tatooine

Quote: "I am a Jedi, like my father before me."

Weapon: Lightsaber

First seen: A New Hope

Description: Luke Skywalker grew up on his home planet of Tatooine until his home was destroyed and his aunt and uncle were killed by Imperial Stormtroopers. He then went with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Obi-Wan Kenobi to learn the ways of the force like his father, and became and Jedi Knight and confronted his father, Darth Vader.

Mace Windu

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Unknown

Quote: You are refering to the prophecy of the one that brings balance to the force

Weapon: Lightsaber

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: Mace Windu is one the oldest human in the Jedi council. (More will come available during Episode 2)

Obi Wan Kenobi

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Unknown

Quote: "Once you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

Weapon: Lightsaber

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: Obi Wan first began to be one with the force when his mentor, Qui-Gon, took him on a mission to force a settlement with the Trade Federation. Once hat didn't go so well, he was with Qui-Gon before his mentor died. From there he served in the Clone Wars and helped train Anakin Skywalker. Later when Anakin turned evil, he retreated to Tatooine.

After many years have passed, he soon met young Luke Skywalker and also went with Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2D2 in the Mellenium Falcon to the Death Star. Darth Vader killed him inside the Death Star, but helped Luke in secret so he could blow it up.

Princess Leia Oragana

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Alderann

Quote: "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you are my only hope."

Blaster Pistol

First seen: A New Hope

Description: Princess Leia became captured by Darth Vader while on a space ship, going on a diplmatic mission. She was sentenced to death on board the Death Star, but was rescued by Luke Skywalker. After blowing up the first Death Star and leaving Hoth, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, and R2D2 went to Cloud City and Chewbacca and her were forced to stay by the orders of Darth Vader. Lando Calrissian helped rescue them, and they left Bespin. They then went to Jabba's Palace to rescue Han Solo, and the last place they went to was Endor, where Princess Leia met Wicket the Ewok, and helped stop the last remains of the Empire.

Queen Amidala

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet: Naboo

Quote: "I will not take a course of action that will lead us to war."

Blaster Pistol

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Queen Amidala ruled the people of Naboo, but left the planet to be safe when the droid armies of the Trade Federation arrived. She stayed at Tatooine for a short time when her ship was damaged. When the ship was repaired, she went to Coruscant and made a vote of no confidence so a new senator could rise. After she was done at Coruscant, she returned to her home planet and helped stop the greedy Trade Federation.

Qui-Gon Jin

Age: Unknown

Species: Human

Home Planet:

Quote: "The boy is the chosen one."

Weapon: Lightsaber

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi Wan, helped Queen Amidala of Naboo before his death, which he was killed by Darth Maul. He was the first person to notice Anakin's unusual relationship with the force while he was at Naboo and showed the boy to the Jedi Council.


Age: Unknown

Species: Ewok

Home Planet: Endor (forest moon)

Quote: "Yee-ha!"

Weapon: Spear

First seen: Return of the Jedi

Description: A native of a Ewok village by the name of Wicket went out in the forest one day and met a person by the name of Princess Leia. They both became friends and soon had a royal feast for their god C3PO. The dinner included Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca. Soon after the dinner joined a alliance with the Ewoks, Wicket helped his friends just like the other Ewoks to stop the Galactic Empire.


Age: 900


Home Planet: Unknown

Quote: "Mind what you have learned, save you it can!"

First seen: The Phantom Menace

Description: Yoda was part of the Jedi Council of twelve members. He was a strong Jedi and noticed the anger in Anakin and thought that Anakin becoming a Jedi would be a bad idea. After Darth Vader and the Emperor hunted down the Jedi, Yoda retreated to the planet of Dagobah. Years later, the old Jedi Knight with his wooden gimmer stick found Luke Skywalker and trained him to be a Jedi Knight, but unfortunately Luke left the planet in order to free his friends. Yoda died in his sleep when Luke Skywalker came to meet him again.

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