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My Star Wars Experience (The impact it has gave me)

The Star Wars Movies have given a great impact toward me, just like other people. I was first interested in Star Wars when I was just a kid, and I didn't even know about it. I was around two years old when my dad was watching The Return of the Jedi on the television. I was playing with one of my toys and I looked up at the t.v. screen and saw four or five Ewoks running across the screen. I thought it was pretty cool, but I forgot about it until I got to experience the movie for myself later on during my life.

The prelude of my beginning of the experience was when I was in 5th grade. My friends and I would always talk about new subjects during P.E. every week. Street Fighter, Professional Wresting, . . . Star Wars? Those were the two words I said to my friends during P.E. I didn’t know anything about it, but that it took place in space. (duh) My friends started talking about the subject and I soon became interested. At that time, we first got the internet and I typed in "Star Wars" and began surfing. I came across web sites and found pictures or links, but the pictures interested me. Soon, I bought some stickers from a pharmacy and I thought they were cool. The stickers showed the characters from the movie, and one of my friends told me who they were. He also said that Yoda was Luke Skywalker's great grandpa, which made me believe that for a while, but only a while.

After I knew about the characters, I surfed on the internet and found a topic called "Star Wars Stories" which seemed interesting and before you knew it, I was writing my own stories, even cross overs. I became hyper with Star Wars now. I borrowed the movies from my neighbors and I watched them over and over. The first movie I watched was A New Hope, but I quit it half way through because it got boring. Return of the Jedi had a cool cover so I watched that whole movie, then Empire, then back to watching the rest of the first. One of the my friends had the Power of the Force 2 action figures, which I thought was childish, but soon I began collecting them like mad. I was working more to buy the figures, and finding out which ones I haven’t got, but I wanted to get. My first one was Han Solo. Soon model cars became the fad around my class and I bought a model ATT and put it together. At the bottom of the cardboard boxes was a tiny paper, talking about the Official Star Wars Fan Club. I had been subscribed to it for Christmas, but before that there was Halloween.

Halloween was coming and I thought a Star Wars costume would be really cool. My mom ordered me a Darth Vader costume from a JcPenny catalog and I received it right on time. I then purchased a cheap white lightsaber from Alco for my costume. At our yearly parade, you could win $5, $10, or even $50 for your costume, or as a group. My friends and me had a "Star Wars" sign that we held up. My friends were Luke Skywalker, a Storm trooper, and Han Solo, but we didn't win anything. The people who won the $50 dollars dressed up as The Smurfs. Big whooptidee do!

Once I received my magazine, I learned about the prequels. This amazed me and filled me with joy. The new movies will be great, I thought. (See my review on the Phantom Menace) I didn’t buy any action figures from the movie, but I bought the collectibles from fast-food restaurants before I was able to see the movie. After The Phantom Menace had passed, my excitement died down. After The Phantom Menace passed me, I didn’t buy anything of Star Wars until I went to a collectible store across from Silver Dollar City, which had the old vintage Star Wars figures. I bought a Return of the Jedi Gamorean Guard action figure, but then I quit buying Star Wars stuff, and I didn't subscribe to the magazine again until I heard some news about:

(drum roll)

Episode 2!

At that moment, I started this web page. The impact on me has been very strong, and it will still continue to become stronger as the two new movies pass by. Now after this impact, I believe it will always stay strong.

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