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D.F. Lockwood
Biology Teacher


1. What were the purposes of the lab?
a. ex: To relate structure of parts to functions ans Evolutionary advancements
b. To gain more practice in dissection
c. To learn how the earthworm carries out its life processes

2. The scientific Name of the earthworm and its phylum

3. WHY we chose the earthworm for dissection

4. Background
Some really useful ideas for your background:
*Indicate where annelids sit on the phylogentetic chart
Ex: (on protosome branch near What group
*WHY earthworms are important in evolutionary studies?
*Briefly describe:
-Characteristics of annelida
Ex: Circulation? Segmentation (what is it)? Coelom lined with ______
-Classes of Annelida:
1. Polychaeta includes______________
2. Oligochaeta includes ______________
3. Hirudinea incudes________________

5. What the general method of dissection was - one or two sentences only because more detail will be given in methods and materials using the past tense.

6. Give the main general result of the lab in only one or two sentences, because you will describe your results in detail under results in a chart (observations etc)

7. References: List what references you used for you introduction and discuss at the end of the lab report. EX: Teacher's notes, books, texts and Internet. Include authors in brackets only throughout your introduction. The references will be where you can be formal (at the end of the report)

SOME HELP ON DISCUSSION (DIPSIC - include "becauses")

1. Discuss results of what you saw in the dissection

2. Discuss adaptions for soil living of the earthworm - examples - How it moves (setae developement), How it feed and how it breathes

3. What implications can be drawn? Ex: Value of earthworms in Ecology!?

4.Why is it significant that earthworms must be moist?

5. Why valuable to be hermaphrodites

6. Why closed circulation is valuable (think)!

7. Why the septa had to be slit in the dissecion

8. What principles of biology relate to the lab? Ex: Value of segmentation