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Some Higher Order Thinking Questions

Page 1008

1. How does an ecosystem differ from a community?
(Page 1009 and lecture)

2. WHY does Ecological succession end with a Climax
Community like McMillian Park?

3. WHY does neither a food pyramid nor Evolution
break the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
(indicates that after many more reactions,
much energy is "LOST" and more disorder, overall,
sets in). See poster and Lecture P1022

4. P 1033
How is the movement of energy through
a food web differ from the movements of nutrients?

4b. Explain why

5. WHY is the Nitrogen Cycle so important to
your life, despite the fact that the
is approximately 78% Nitrogen?

6. HOW does the study of Microbiology help
us understand the Nitrogen cycle?

7. If the Ozone is such a problem near
the surface of the earth, WHY is the Ozone layer

Followup to interactive Lectures (9)
Biology 11 - June 8, 2000
Print neatly and Small - use point form

1.Explain 3 factors that limit population
growth and HOW they do it

1b. What is the difference between density dependant
and density independant factors?

2. Describe a Pyramid of energy in terms of energy
flow and 2nd Law of thermodynamics

3. Explain HOW photosynthesis related to respirtation
in the Carbon Cycle in Ecology
Hint: see Lecture on 2 organelles (M + Ch)
Also: WHY is photosynthesis so important?

4. Be sure to have the population formula
mastered and that you an do problems.