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Purpose: To focus you on what is significant and draw connections for understanding, which leads to memory and application. ("TURA")
Pages 269-283 in "Miller and Levine"

1. What must replace "belief" in science?

2. How is evolution defined in simple

3. Why was Darwin's 5 year voyage so
significant ? (lines 16 and 17)

4. Darwin had an analytical mind.
What is meant by this and how did it help

5. Why have so many species disappeared
over time

6.What is meant by fitness?

7.Why are there so many different techniques
for survival? (Hint: think of ecology)

8. Why do you suppose Darwin waited so long
before publishing his book "The origin of Species"?

9. Dawin provided strong evidence that each
species is descended from.......

10. Explain Darwin's Principle of Common

11. How did Darwin explain the way fitness
arises? (Explain as fully as you can. More will be
said at the end of the course)

12. How did Darwin's voyage on the Beatle
influence his thoughts about life?

13. How is diversity of life related to

14. How is adaption related to fitness?

15. Why are vertebrate embryos so similar
in appearance for early stages?

16. Why do embryos of different vertebrate
species later become more dissimilar?

17. Why is it critical that genes
controlling early development be
relatively unchanged?

18.When are mutations most
likely to occur in embryonic
18b. Why?

19. P284 - Explain why a bat's wing is
homologous to the front flippers of
a whale. (see fig.13-17)

20. Why do organisms often carry organs
that have little or no function?

21. How do we get evidence that snakes
evolved from lizards? (4-footed
ancestors) P.284

22. Give examples of vestigial organs in humans.

23. P.285 How does DNA provide evidence
for evolution? P285

24. Why is the cytochrome "c" found in
organisms from yeast to humans?
cytochrome "c" is involved in extracting
energy in you mitochondia to
make ATP

25. What is Darwin's conclusion
(interpretaion) for stucture and biochemical
similarities among all living things?

26. How does Biochemisty support
the idea that all living things evolved
from a common ancestor?

27. P291 What did Dr. Dolozhansky
say about biology?

28. Define Evolutionary theory
(Bold type P291)

29. P313 Why can we talk about
universal characteristics of life?

30. What must we do to understand the
way organisms interact?
(Ex. Symbiosis between pea plant and

31. Draw Fig.29-10 on page 45 (3X the size)

On blank paper with caption
32. What are the 2 subphyla of invertebrate

33. What runs just beneath the dorsal nerve
chord in Chordates for at least part of
their lives?

34. Can you detect an error or over simplification
on P45 line 40-2?

35. What occurs during metamorphasis of a
Tunicate? P646

36. Lancelets have a closed circulatory
system like you. What does closed mean?

37. Why is studying invertebrate Chordates
like a time machine?

38. #3 - 29-2 review

39. Coelom developement: Copy Fig. 30-4
on page 655

Double the size, on blank paper at home.
Then explain the diagram by making notes
on P655-657