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About the Discworld

The Discworld is mostly flat, except for the centre, or Hub, where a gigantic mountain known as Cori Celesti is situated. The Disc sits on the backs of four giant elephants, called Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon, and Jerakeen. The four elephants stand on the shell of the star turtle, Great A'Tuin, who swims through the depths of space.

A Disc year goes for about 800 days, has two of each season and thirteen months (seven familiar ones, and also Offle, Grune, Spune, Sektober, Ember, and Ick). Each week has eight days, the eighth being called Octeday. The main compasspoints are Hubward, Rimward, Turnwise and Widdershins.

Map of the Disc

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