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About Terry Pratchett

"One of the best and one of the funniest English authors alive." - The Independant

Therry Pratchett was born in 1948 and is still not dead. He started work as a journalist one day in 1965 and saw his first corpse three hours later. After doing nearly every job possible in provincial journalism (except of course the Saturday afternoon soccer) he joined the Central Electricity Board and was made press officer for four nuclear power stations. He'd write a book about his experiences if he reckoned anyone would believe it.

In 1987 it became obviouse that writing the Discworld seris was heaps more fun than real work. The books have since reached double figures and have a regular place in the bestseller lists. He has also written some books for younger readers which include "Only You Can Save Mankind", "Johnny and the Dead" (which was adapted for TV and shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal), "Johnny and the Bomb" (also listed for the Carnegie Medal) and "The Carpet People". Sometimes he is accused of literature.

Terry Pratchett lives behind a typewriter in Wiltshire, England. he has a wife called Lyn and a daughter called Rhiana. He says that writing is the most fun anyone can have by themselves. He's glad people like his books. Sometimes he goes for walks and finds time for a small amount of quiet fun. Life is pretty full, really.

The information on this page was taken from the blurbs of Terry Pratchett's books.

Terry Pratchett riding the Luggage

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