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Monica And Tom

This page here is dedicated to the first hour-long Tom Green show. It was a special, and the whole thing was about Tom and Monica Lewinsky. The "plot" was that Monica needed fabric for her handbag buisness, so Tom, being the nicest guy in the world, brought her to his native Ottawa, Canada, and went all around town, searching for the perfect fabric. Tom brought her to Glenns house, Phils house, and his parents house, in the search for the perfect fabric. Well, heres the story line:

The show starts off in the airport, and Tom explains that he brought Monica to Ottawa to find the perfect fabric, for her line of handbags.

Then he and Monica jump on the luggage belt int he airport and go for a little spin, after being told that he wasnt alowed to. I think this is when Monica started to realize what shes gotten into

Their first stop on their quest for the perfect fabric was at Glenn Humpliks house. Learning from past experiences with Tom, Glenn wouldnt let Tom inside his house, so he told him to stay out. Did Tom listen?

Hell no! This picture isnt very good, but its of Tom trying to barge into Glenns house. But Glenn managed to push him out and...

Tom tripped over the microphone, and fell down Glenns concrete steps! Monica came out with one of Glenns shirts, to use as fabric, and then they said goodbye to Glenn, and moved on in the search

The next stop was at Toms other freinds apartment, Phil Giroux. Phil has the messiest apartment ive ever seen! The only thing that Monica could find that would be good hand-bag material was Phils new futon cover. So they took that after Phils pleeds for them not to.

And what would a Tom Green episode be without a surprise, early morning visit to his parents house?? At 4:00 in the morning, he and Monica barged into his parents house, and stole their bed covers. I think that Toms father, Richard Green, had a bit of a crush on Monica, but thats just my opinion.

Early the next moring, the pair went to Tim Hortons, to get some coffee, and ended up putting coffee filters on their heads, and having a light-saber fight with an elderly couple that were sitting down to eat. Toms in the background firing his laser gun at Luke Skywalker.

Then they took a trip to Toms old high school. When he went to school there, he wasnt a very popular kid, actually he was very unpopular, now look at em'! The crowd is yelling: "Go Cougars!" Which is the schools sports team. Later, when the rest of the shcool found out that Tom Green was in the building, pretty much every kid in the school rushed the van, as they were driving away.

Their van was being followed by a reporter that promised to go away. So Tom and his dad went out and had a little talk to him, and he said that he would stop following them.

Tom and Monica treated his parents to a nice, quiet lunch. With a $350 bottle of champaign. It was very peaceful until Tom made a mistake by letting Monica order first, instead of his mom, so, being a little hard on himself, he started to beat himself in the head with his hand.

Tom got kinda carried away in laughing at one of his own jokes, so his mom, covered his mouth. Then, she covered his mouth, and nose! Wouldnt you? He eventually calmed down. The joke you ask? It was : "Being pissed off is better than being pissed on!" It was really funny though

This is them leaving the resteraunt, and the press was over them like white on rice! Tom was yelling: "Stop it! Go away! Your scaring my mother! Just leave us alone!" Then after they got into the van, he thought it was really funny because they were actually making fun of the press. Tom kept telling the press that they were going to make a big announcement the next day, at "the little beaver resturaunt"

The next day was just mental. A couple hundred people showed up at the resteraunt, expecting to hear a big announcement. Everyone thought that they were going to announce that they were getting married or something like that. But, the "big announcement" was "the Richard, and Mary Jane Green Hand-Bags" Everyone there was very dissapointed. With good reason.

What did I think of this episode?

This is the most anticipated Tom Green show that ive ever watched, so it does have a certain flare to it, but it really wasnt that funny. Thats not Toms fault though. He didnt have alot to work with. And the one question still remains: Why the hell was Tom Green hanging out with Monica Lewinsky? They never answered that question. She doesnt seem like a Tom Green fan. Theyre must be another reason for them hanging out together.

If you watched it, tell me what you thought of it