Hello . This is my resume . I am very interested in working for you're company . JOHN DANIJEL JUGOVIC
Contact : 778-709-8347 OR 604-272-9366 Email: smpdelta@lycos.com Internet Home : https://www.angelfire.com/bc2/johnjugovic
Home : Vancouver BC Canada Age: 31 Birth : June.7'1979
Experience :
Fish Industry B.C. Work : SMP - Delta B.C. - September 2005 to Present -
Halibut Fish Plant right beside Georgia Straight and Fraser River in Lander B.C. . . . Picking up and throwing fish. Packaging of fish. Going into boats and taking fish out of them. Work 6 days a week and lot's of overtime hours.
Ron Knelson 604-839-0393 1-250-672-5542 Kevin Turner 1-250-249-0113
Sales : Jaak's Products - Summer 2000 to Present -
Canada Day & Vancouver International Fireworks , P.N.E. , Various Events - Middle Of Summer , 5 Nights , Work 5 to 8 Hours Each Night . Make $ 100 to $ 200 a night After Selling $ 500 to $ 1000 of Product to People . Sell Horns, Boppers and Flashing Lights to Tens of Thousands Of People Outside at Vancouver Fireworks in English Bay.
JAAK 604-436-2060 604-537-7758
School Tuter : School District # 33 Chilliwack - 2010 - 2011
Tuter school students . Help them with Math , English , Socials , etc . Help with computer projects .
Teacher : Doug Fraser doug_fraser@sd33.bc.ca Gordon Hazlewood 604-746-7008
Winter Resort Janitorial: Mt. Seymour - Winter 2007 to Present -
Keep Mt. Seymour Resort Mountain Clean and Safe for the tourists. General Cleanup, Mopping, Sweeping, Washroom Steralizing , Radio Talking , Answering Tourists questions .
Romolo 604-982-0775
Cattle Industry Alberta: - Lake Side Packers - Brooks Alberta - August. 7 ' 2002 to November.15'2004
Pre - Gutter in Slaughter Department Zone 5 B Shift. Monday to Friday 4: 20 P.M. to 12:50 P.M. + Many Overtime Hours!! Opening of Cow’s Stomach and Removal of Bladder. Average 2000's cows a night! Overtime Hours consist of Cow-fat stripping in Cooler room. Liver Cow Tongue Heat and Lip Re-work in Freezer, Omasium Re-work. Clean-up of Zone 5 when shift Over; picking up gloves soap containers and returning them to storage, shovelling of cow waste off of floor. Also Cow pushing in Deep Freezer.
403-501-2399 Ric Jabs 403-526-7686
Sales : Outdoor Advertiser - Aladdin Roses - Janruary.1'2000 to August 2002
Stood outside on the corner of Maine Street and Marine Drive and Kingsway Avenue and Fraser Street 6 days a week Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. holding a large sign advertising roses. Talked to thousands of people, got many many new customers for Aladdin Roses.
Sam Belic 604-322-1281 Nick Sandue 778-846-0755
Hip-Hop Entertainment 1995 to Current
Music Industry/ Sales: 2000 - Present - Jugovich Entertainment- Produce, Mix, Graphic Designs and Perform Music Create Music, Albums, Internet Web Pages, Movies, Etc. Music Industry/ Sales: Record Producer and Artist.88 Albums experience so far to my Credit. Jugovich Records, Black Lagoon Records, Downlow Records, JDJ Beats, JDJ Radio and Jugovich Entertainment.
Dan Foley 604-805-7043 Elih Mead 604-732-6197 Izzak 604-569-4331 Emin Hosic 604-448-9846
Conclusion: I'm a good natured hard-working guy who enjoy's an honest day's work and the rewards you can wreak from it. I will give my job the best effort I can and I hope to better you're business.
Thanks JOHN
Additional 604 References :
Kevin Turner 1-250-249-0113
Jaak 778-886-8185
Isaac 604-448-9846
Vlado Jugovic 604-232-0065
Ron Knelson 604 - 839 - 0393
Ron Knelson 1-250-672-5542
Alina Jugovic 604-764-0683
Elih Mista Mead 604- 732 - 6197
Chris O ' Connally
975 - 1567
Sean 874 - 7715
Jim Coyle 250 - 0681
Brad 522 - 2504
Annet 722 - 6836
Darrel 448 - 9846 Chris Lopez 270 - 9694
Dickson or Kirat 321 - 4147
Fernando Alves 570 - 0900
Terry Stone 606 - 8710
Charlie 604 - 764 - 2634
Irma Ford 439 - 2626 Brad 522 - 2504
Sam Belic 604 - 322 - 1281
Jaak 604-436-2060
Nick 778-889-1950
Ric Jabs 403-526-7686
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** JOHN DANIJEL JUGOVIC ** INTELLIGENT HARD WORKING GUY LOOKING FOR WORK ... Contact : 778-709-8347 OR 604-272-9366 Email: smpdelta@lycos.com Internet Home : https://www.angelfire.com/bc2/johnjugovic Home : Vancouver BC Canada Age: 31 Birth: June.7'1979 Experience : Fish Industry B.C. Work : SMP - Delta B.C. - September 2005 to Present - Halibut Fish Plant right beside Georgia Straight and Fraser River in Ladner B.C. . Picking up and throwing fish . Packaging of fish . Going into boats and taking fish out of them . Work 6 days a week and lot's of overtime hours . Bill 604-710-3986 Ron Knelson 604-839-0393 1-250-672-5542 Sales : Jaak's Products - Summer 2000 to Present - Canada Day & Vancouver International Fireworks , P.N.E. , Various Events - Middle Of Summer , 5 Nights , Work 5 to 8 Hours Each Night . Make $ 100 to $ 200 a night After Selling $ 500 to $ 1000 of Product to People . Sell Horns , Boppers and Flashing Lights to Tens of Thousands Of People Outside at Vancouver Fireworks in English Bay. JAAK 604-436-2060 604-537-7758 School Tutor School District # 33 Chilliwack - 2010 - 2011 Tutor school students . Help them with Math , English , Socials , etc . Help with computer projects . Teacher : Doug Fraser doug_fraser@sd33.bc.ca Gordon Hazlewood 604-746-7008 Winter Resort Janitorial : Mt. Seymour - Winter 2007 to Present - Keep Mt. Seymour Resort Mountain Clean and Safe for the tourists . General Cleanup , Mopping , Sweeping , Washroom Sterilizing , Radio Talking , Answering Tourists questions . Romolo 604-982-0775 Cattle Industry Alberta : - Lake Side Packers - Brooks Alberta - August . 7 ' 2002 to November.15'2004 Pre - Gutter In Slaughter Department Zone 5 B Shift . Monday to Friday 4: 20 P.M. to 12:50 P.M. + Many Overtime Hours !! Opening of Cow ' s Stomach and Removal of Bladder . Average 2000's cows a night ! Overtime Hours consist of Cow-fat stripping in Cooler room . Liver Cow tongue Heat and Lip Re-work in Freezer , Omasium Re-work . Clean-up of Zone 5 when shift over ; picking up gloves soap containers and returning them to storage , shoveling of cow waste off of floor . Also Cow pushing in Deep Freezer . Zone 5 Supervisor : Henry or Wes 403-501-2399 Ric Jabs 403-526-7686 Sales : Outdoor Advertiser - Aladdin Roses - Janruary.1'2000 to August 2002 Stood outside on the corner of Maine Street and Marine Drive and Kingsway Avenue and Fraser Street 6 days a week Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. holding a large sighn advertising roses . Talked to thousands of people , got many many new customers for Aladdin Roses . Sam Belic 604-322-1281 Nick Sandue 778-846-0755 Hip-Hop Entertainment 1995 to Current Create Music , Albums , Internet Web Pages , Movies , Etc . Music Industry/ Sales : Record Producer and Artist - Jugovich Records and Downlow Records - Produce , Mix , Graphic Desighns and Perform Music . 87 Albums experience so far to my Credit . Jugovich Records , Black Lagoon Records , Downlow Records , JDJ Beats , JDJ Radio and Jugovich Entertainment . Elih Mead 604-732-6197 Izzak 604-569-4331 Dan Foley 604-805-7043 Emin Hosic 604-448-9846 Conclusion: I'm a good natured hard-working guy who enjoy's an honest day's work and the rewards you can reek from it. I will give my job the best effort I can and I hope to better you're business . Thanks JOHN Additional References : Kevin Turner 1-250-249-0113 Vlado Jugovic 604-232-0065 Ron Knelson 604 - 839 - 0393 Alina Jugovic 604-764-0683 Elih Mista Mead 604- 732 - 6197
John Jugovic'$ Connection$
John Jugovic'$ Rap Connection$
John Jugovic'$ Pa$t & Pre$ent Employee$