Association Truth and Reconciliation
Statute |
On the basis of Articles 9 and 11 of the Law on Associations of Citizens ("Official Gazzette of the Federation of BH", no. 6/95), the Founding Assembly of the "Association of Citizens "TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION", Sarajevo, has at the session held on February 6, 2000 adopted
Article 1.
This statute defines the title, the seat and the region covered by the Association's activities, activities of the Association, the purpose and program objectives for the Association, conditions for acquiring membership and its cessation as well as rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Association members, management bodies of the Association and the manner of their selection, conditions for their recall, mandate duration, decision making process and responsibilities, funds collecting and management, manner of deciding over the dissolution of the Association, publicity of work, manner of adopting the statute and amendments to it, the seal and legal representation of the Association of Citizens "Truth and Reconciliation" Sarajevo (herein after referred to as the "Association")
The Association Title
Article 2.
Association of citizens "TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION",
Abbreviated title: Association "TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION",
The Seat of the Association
Article 3.
Sarajevo, Ante Fiamenga 14b, Sarajevo.
Region of Activity for the Association
Article 4.
The Association will be active in the region of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Objectives for Founding of the Association
Article 5.
The objective for the Association:
1. Work on establishment of truth and reconciliation among peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Activity of the Association
Article 6.
On the ground of objectives stated above in Article 5, the Association shall, in cooperation with health and social institutions and within its full organizational, spatial and other material resources potential undertake the following activities and tasks:
Work on reconciliation among peoples of BH, Promotion of values of living together in BH, Organization of conferences and gatherings dealing with promotion of tolerance, Publishing of publications within the scope of work in accordance with the law, Cooperation with similar organizations around the world. And other activities in accordance with the Association's objectives and in accordance with the law.
Association Membership
Article 7.
Association membership is voluntary.
Any citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina of legal age can become a member of the Association.
One becomes a member by joining the Association and by signing the admission statement.
Article 8.
Members of the Association have the right to:
take part in all activities and give incentives for improvement of work of the Association and its bodies, to elect and be elected in the management bodies of the Association and to propose, give recommendations and make suggestions related to their work and to criticize their work, to be fully and objectively informed in timely manner about the work of the management bodies of the Association, to employ other rights in accordance with the law, with this Statute and with the acts of the Association. Article 9.
Members are obliged to:
actively participate in pursuance of the Association's program objectives, to participate in the work of the management bodies of the Association consciensciously and in accordance with the law, this statute and other binding acts, to regularly pay the membership fee, to carry out other obligations in accordance with the law, this statute and other acts of the Association.
Article 10.
Membership in the Association is terminated by member's resignation or expulsion.
Article 11.
Every member of the Association has the right to leave the Association based on written request on condition that that his/hers financial and other obligations have been met..
Article 12.
Membership in the Association ends in expulsion in cases when a member of the Association:
acts contrary to the program objectives of the Association, debases the reputation of the Association by his/hers excessive acts and behaviour. does not pay membership fee for three months in a row.
Article 13.
Decision on expulsion is made in writing by the Committee consisting of three members appointed by the Executive Board.
The expelled member has the right to file a complain to the Executive Board within 15 days after the notice.
The decision made by the Executive Board is final.
Management Bodies of the Association
Article 14.
The Assembly of the Association is the supreme management body.
The Assembly of the Association is made up of all members of the Association.
Article 15.
The Assembly appoints the President and the Deputy president among its members.
The mandate of the Assembly President and the Deputy is two years with the possibility of their being re-elected.
Article 16.
Within its mandate, the Assembly of the Association:
1. adopts the Statute and other acts of the Association, 2. makes annual plans and programs within the domain of work of the Association, 3. sets strategy and program objectives for the work of the Association, 4. evaluates and adopts financial plan and final bill for the Association, 5. appoints the Executive Board and Supervisory Board, 6. elects the President and Deputy president of the Association's Assembly, 7. reviews reports on work of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board, 8. carries out other obligations and tasks in accordance with the law, this statute and other acts of the Association.
Article 17.
The Assembly of the Association convenes as necessary, at least once a year.
The Assembly is convoked by the President of the Assembly by sending out invitation at least 15 days prior to a session.
The President of the Assembly is obliged to convoke the Assembly if minimum of one third of the Assembly members call for it and if called by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.
Article 18.
The Assembly of the Association has the necessary quorum for work if more than half of total number of delegates is present at the session.
The Assembly of the Association makes decisions by majority vote unless otherwise specified by the Statute or law.
Article 19.
Details regarding the work of the Assembly, manner of its work, voting, decision making, sending out invitations for sessions and other issues are determined in the Assembly Rules of Procedures.
Article 20.
The Assembly appoints the Supervisory Board consisting of 7 to 13 members elected from the members of the Assembly.
Members of the Supervisory Board are elected for the period of two years with the right to be re-elected.
Article 21.
The Executive Board elects the President and the Deputy President among its members. The President of the Assembly cannot be a member of the Executive Board.
Article 22.
The executive Board convenes as necessary, at least once in every two months. Decisions of the Executive Board are valid only if more than half of the members are present. The Executive Board makes decision by majority vote of members present.
Article 23.
The Executive Board performs the following tasks:
prepares materials for the Assembly and implements its decisions, instructs bodies of the Association it appoints, convokes sessions of the Assembly and other bodies of the Association as necessary if the President of the Assembly does not do so, reviews implementation of conclusions and decisions made between two sessions of the Assembly, establishes boards and committees to implement special tasks within the scope of activity of the Association, supervises realization of the financial plan of the Association, performs other executive tasks for the Assembly of the Association as defined by the Statute and the Association's acts.
Article 24.
Members of the Executive Board can be recalled before the end of their term:
- on their own request, - if they fail to attend sessions for three times in a row (unjustified), - if he /she harms reputation of the Association with his acts, - in other cases determined by the law, this statute and acts of the Associations.
A decision on the recall of a member of the Executive Board is made by majority vote of the Assembly of the Association members.
Article 25.
Assembly of the Association elects the President and two members of the Supervisory Board. The President and the members of the Supervisory Board are elected for the period of two years with the right to be re-elected. The President and the members of the Supervisory Board can be recalled before the end of their term in following cases:
- at their own request, - if they fail to attend sessions for three times in a row (unjustified), - if he /she harms reputation of the Association with his acts, - in other cases determined by the law, this statute and acts of the Associations.
A decision on the recall of a member of the Supervisory Board is made by majority vote of the Assembly of the Association members.
Article 26.
The Supervisory Board oversees:
compliance with the Statute and other acts of the Association, implementation of decisions made by the Assembly and Executive Board, implementation of the Association's program and work plan, legality of financial and material dealings, implementation of decisions, conclusions and other acts of the Association.
Article 27.
The Executive Board of the Association and the President of the Assembly are obliged to provide the Supervisory Board with the documentation and insight into the work and activities of the Association.
The supervisory Board has the right and the obligation to inform the Assembly of the Association as well as bodies that can remedy violations observed about all violations observed.
The Supervisory Board reports on its acts to the Assembly of the Association.
Article 28.
The President of the Executive Board of the Association performs the following tasks:
legally represents the Association in performance of its work, proposes program of work and activities of the Association and oversees its implementation, prepares and recommends materials for the Assembly and the Executive Board of the Association in timely fashion, reports on his/hers work and the work of the Association, participates in the work of the Association's bodies, assumes responsibility for legality and activities of the Association, performs other tasks as specified in the Statute and as decided by the Assembly of the Association
Article 29.
The President of the Executive Council is obliged to bring attention to the Assembly and other Association's bodies to illegal acts and decisions.
Article 30.
The President of the Executive Council can be discharged of duty before the end of his/hers term:
at his/hers own request, in case of poor discharge of duties and tasks, in other cases specified in this Statute and applicable law.
The initiative for the President's discharge can be instated by the Assembly, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of the Association.
Article 31.
The President of the Executive Board accomplishes his employment rights in the Association's Administrative and Staff Service Department..
Means and Revenues
Article 32.
The Association acquires its means and revenues from membership fees, contributions, gifts, grants and other sources in accordance with the law.
Article 33.
The Association must maintain proper bookkeeping and make financial reports in accordance with regulations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of Sarajevo Canton.
Article 34.
The President of the Executive Board is responsible for financial and material dealings of the Association.
Article 35.
The Executive Council decides on management of means, coverage of loss and writing off debts for claims that cannot be collected.
Article 36.
Expenditure of funds is presented in periodical financial settlements and in the final balance statement.
Dissolution of the Association
Article 37.
The Association is liquidated when the relevant Ministry makes the final decision on dissolution of the Association or when a relevant court bans the Association in accordance with Articles 35, 36, 37 and 38 of the Law on Citizen's Associations.
Article 38.
Decision on the Association's dissolution in accordance with Article 35 Paragraph 1 can also be made by the Assembly of the Association if it undoubtfully determines, at the recommendation of the Executive Board of the Association, that neither material nor other necessary preconditions for continuation of the work of the Association exist.
Publicity of Work
Article 39.
The work of the Association is public.
Article 40.
Publicity of work is achieved in direct information sharing and by use of public media.
Article 41.
Members of the Association must be regularly and truthfully informed about the work of all the management bodies of the Association.
The President of the Executive Board is responsible for publicity of work.
Manner of Adopting the Statute
Article 42.
The Assembly adopts the Statute of the Association by the majority vote of the Assembly members.
Changes and amendments to the Statute are made in a manner and procedure foreseen for their adoption.
Article 43.
The Assembly of the Association is responsible for the interpretation of the Statute.
The Stamp of the Association
Article 44.
The Association has a seal and a stamp.
Article 45.
The Seal of the Association is of round shape 30 mm in diameter with full title of the Association imprinted around the edge of the seal.
Article 46.
The Stamp of the Association is of protocolary type and is of square shape.
Article 47.
The Association is legally represented by the President of the Executive Board of the Association.
The President of the Executive Board is held accountable for legality of the work of the Association.
Article 48.
The President of the Executive Board can authorize other persons to legally represent the Association in certain legal matters.
Specific Provisions
Article 49.
The Association can establish bodies for commercial and other activities within the scope of its activities in accordance with the law and this Statute.
The Executive Council decides over the clause specified in the previous paragraph.
Article 50.
The Association has the status of a legal entity which is obtained by its registering into the registrar of the relevant ministry of Federation BH.
Article 51.
The Association is held responsible for its obligations with its entire property.
Article 52.
The Association can get associated with other associations or employ other forms of coopereation.
The Association can become a member of international associations and it can associate with them if activity of those associations is not in opposition with the Constitution and the law.
The Association will do its best to build links with the European network of similar associations by:
- evaluating existing organizations, - joint decision making in joint projects and in accomplishment of program tasks, - linking with groups having similar views outside the area of mental health.
A decision on the Association's membership or its association with other associations as specified in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article is made by the Assembly on the basis of the Executive Council's elaborated recommendation.
Article 53.
Expert - professional departments are established for carrying out of tasks and activities in accordance with the scope of work.
Article 54.
The President of the Association manages the expert departments.
Article 55.
The interior organization of the Association is determined by the Book of Regulations on interior organization and job systematization.
Article 56.
To celebrate accomplishment, the Association will in certain periods and on certain occasions award presents, diplomas and other forms of a tribute as decided by the Executive Board of the Association.
Article 57.
This Statute comes to power on the day of its adoption.
No.: 01/2000 President of the Assembly
Sarajevo, February 6, 2000. |
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