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Sarajevo, October 10:
Round table discussion "Influence of Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Healing"
Public tribune "Democracy Cannot Be Built by Hands of Broken Souls"

A meeting of professionals in the field of mental health, education, human rights, NGO and youth organizations representatives was organized in the premises of the Jewish Community jointly by GTZ, Association Truth and Reconciliation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and HO Tuzlanska Amica. The objective of the round table discussion "Influence of Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Healing " was reconciliation in BH, prevention of conspiracy of silence and promotion of dialogue on all levels and between different groups. In addition to Mr. Jakob Finci, who chaired the table, the following prominent speakers took the floor: Prof. dr. Ismet Ceric, Prof.dr Miodrag Zivanovic, Prof.dr. Nada Ler Sofronic, Dr. Bakir Nakas, Dr. Irfanka Pasagic, Nada Golubovic, Dr. Karolina Hornstein, Srdjan Dizdarevic and Prof.dr. Zdravko Grebo.

On the same day, at 6 p.m., a public tribune "Democracy Cannot Be Built by Hands of Broken Souls" took place. The tribune was opened by his excellency Hans Jochen Peters, the ambassador of FR Germany to BH, and the key note speaker was Dr. Yael Danieli, director of the Center for Holocaust Victims and Their Children from New York.

Both events were properly announced on a press conference organized on October 4th. Promoters included Dr. Ismet Ceric, Srdjan Dizdarevic, Irfanka Pasagic, Caroline Hornstein, Hazim Kazic and Kai Leonhardt.