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A Time past is what we see when we glance back to yesterday. Time was never meant to last. A second goes by now it's in our past.

We all would like to turn back the hands of time. But if God let us what would we find?

I've came to know time as a very special thing. As each second passes more blessings it brings.

We've all been told not to let life pass us by. Live each minute like it's our last. Another minutes gone by it's now in our past.

The meaning of time is not found in our past. It's the love of God that will always last.

Time is only as long as our last breath. Then time for us has passed. No more chance to change our past.

Time is gone life has came to a end. Tomorrow for us will not begin. God has taken us home to be with Him. How many will say she was my friend?

When we take our last breath and life comes to a end. How many will say she loved the Lord. And in her life we could see Him.

Time is always in the past, So make each second last Touch a heart along your way Take time for others to pray .

When time ends and God takes us home. No longer here to roam May one friend be able to say ! You know she made a difference in my life one day.
© Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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