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He Gave His All

He gave His all on the cross that day. The price of our sin He had to pay.

He had a choice He did not have to die. But He chose to give His life for you and me.

No greater love will ever be known. Than the love of Jesus our sin to atone.

Look at the thorns upon His loving head. The nails dripping blood as He hung there and bled.

As He spoke to the Father. Remove this cup from Me. Not my will But thine be done. AS He glanced at heavens sun.

Look in His eyes see the compassion. His life He gave freely. To please His father was His passion.

He suffered in His pain. He did what was asked of Him and never did He complain.

But did not question the will of God. He picked up His cross and down the road He trod .

Because of Him we have a choice you see. The life of Jesus gave it to you and me.

To ask Jesus in to our hearts today. God's promise of eternity. He loves us so much I hope you see!!

He did give His all on the cross that day. The debt of our sin He had to pay. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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