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Live And Learn

Live And Learn

We Live an learn from the day we are born. We learn that by our parents we're adorned. We learn to crawl,setup,walk,and talk. How to draw pictures and write with chalk.

As we grow older we learn hurt and pain The days filled with sunshine and rain. We learn how to give,share and how to care. We learn about Jesus,His love to share.

We learn to love and how to pray. How to let others see Him in what we do and say. We learn to live for Him every day.

We live an learn in many ways. Most lessons come in the passing of days. The things life brings our way.

We learn that living life can be rough. And many days and nights may be tough. We've learned that God's love is enough. If we have faith and always trust.

We learn to take the good with the bad. To praise God when things make us sad. To drop on our knees at the foot of the cross. Cry out to God,He feels our deepest loss.

We learn to leave our burdens in His care. And How with others His love to share. We learn He gave His only Son for us. He bled and Died on the cross.

We learn there's no greater love. Than that of the Father above. We live and learn with each passing day. That God loves us in every way. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004