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Trust and obey easy to say. Just look at Noah in his day. He built the ark without delay. The animals were loaded on that day

Others laughed as he built the ark. Noah continued day light and dark. He trusted and obeyed without a doubt. He new on God's Word he could count.

I wonder what others felt as the rain began to start. I wonder if then they saw Jesus in noah's heart.

Noah his family were safe from harm. Sheltered in Jesus's loving arms. His trust and obedience led him to dry land. He walked with Jesus hand in hand.

Trust and obey every day. Close to Jesus always stay. It's how God wants us to live. So wisdom,strength,comfort, and love to us He can give.

So trust and obey our almighty God. He'll lead the way down the path we trod.

Your heart will be freed from doubt and fear. When we trust and obey we can see how much God cares.

He makes the way in the wilderness. Our faith grows strong as He leads us.

Trust and obey easy to say. But much harder to do as we live each day. Greater is He that is in us when we just trust and obey. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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