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God's Spices
I made some vegetable soup and gave some to my sister and she said it wasn’t spicy enough so she added spices. She gave me some chili that she had made and it is delicious, however it was too spicy for me so I added a can of tomatoes.

When God adds His Spices to our hearts, it is perfect! God’s Spices are His Love, Compassion, Protection, Faithfulness, and Salvation. The Bible says "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”

We are the ones to show the Love of Jesus to others in our actions, our speech, our attitudes, and in the way we treat our families. We need to season people’s hearts by proving to them that Jesus Loves them because if we just tell them that He Loves them and never do anything to prove it, they will not believe us.

Are you seasoning other people’s lives and hearts with God’s Spices or do you even care about others enough to get out of your comfort zone and minister to others? One day, you might be the one who needs a telephone call or a hug.

I guarantee you that if you are not a giving person, and I am not just talking about money, that when you are in need you are going to feel very lonely in your heart. It is so true that you get back what you give out.

Jesus has done so much for us. He deserves to be happy. He has known so much heartache and rejection. When you are rejecting others, you are rejecting the Heart of Jesus. Joanne Lowe February 3, 2005

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