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Relax And Enjoy

Relax and enjoy its part of God's plan. For every boy,girl, woman and man.

He wants us to enjoy the life we live. And to share it with others as we give.

Life has its trials we face everyday. Sometimes its good to just get away.

Take time to push your kids on a swing. Listen to music let your heart sing.

Go fly a kite or walk in the park. Listen to the birds maybe a lark.

Call a friend just to say hi! Hug your children when you say goodbye.

Go to the lake or take time to bake. Do some crafts see what you can make.

Life is short and time flys by. So go have fun don't be shy.

God wants us to enjoy every day. As close beside Him we stay.

He made the beautiful things we share. To show us and others how much He cares.

So relax and enjoy the life you live. God's love is a gift for us to give.

That others may see the joy in us. As we enjoy life loving Jesus. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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