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Just for you and me, the joy of living. Because God has gave us hearts that are giving.

Just between you and me He loves us. His sweet precious name is Jesus.

The joy of living comes from a heart that's giving. Jesus gave His life for us. He gave His all on the cross.

The joy He brought to our life that day. The price for our sin He chose to pay.

If we take time to always give. A better life we will live. You can't out give God's love. He sends down blessings from above

Theres joy in every day that we awake. Joy in every breath we take. Joy in the mornings dew on the ground. Joy in our heart since Jesus we found.

The joy of the Lord is our strength when we grow weak. With heart soul and mind His love we seek.

The joy of living comes from heart that's giving Thank you Lord for the life we're living.

Just for you and me as we walk together. Growing in Christ loving each other. © Sandra Miller/ BigSis/1996-2004

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