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To Be A friend

To be a friend is not a easy task. You must be willing to give all that is ask.

You must be able to see with eyes of compassion. Be able to be there through any situation.

You must have ears that can hear words unspoken. Be able to mend a heart that's been broken.

You must have a heart that is full of love. Be able to ask guidance from God above.

You must be able to listen when your friend wants to talk. Be willing to use the energy when they just need to walk.

When they just need you to kneel and pray with them. You need to be able to let the Holy Spirit speak to Him.

You can't walk in front or behind your friend. You must walk side by side to be a real friend.

To be a friend who is real and true. Takes giving all that's best in you

To be a friend who is loving and giving. Humbles us to a life that's worth living.

I have a friend who can do all this. Let me introduce you to my friend Jesus. © Sandra Miller/BigSis/1996-2004

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