Aliens in the U.S. Congress - Committees Assignments

(on national security, intelligence or international relations)

Extraterrestres aux Congres des Etats-Unis -
La participation dans les Comites

(sur securite nationale, intelligence ou relations internationales)

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Some of the alien Congressmen listed on the main page serve as Chairman or Member of certain Committees or Subcommittees of the House or of the Senate that deal with national security, intelligence issues or international relations, as detailed below.

U.S. Senate / Etats-Unis - Senat

1. Craig Thomas (R-Wyoming) - Martian / Martien

2. Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) - Martian / Martien

3. Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) - Martian / Martien

U.S. House of Representatives
/ Etats-Unis - La Chambre des Representants

1. Edward R. Royce (R-California) - Martian / Martien

2. Howard "Buck" McKeon (R-California) - Martian / Martien

3. Lois Capps (D-California) - Martian / Martien

4. Tom Lantos (D-California) - Martian '/ Martien

5. Jim Leach (R-Iowa) - Martian / Martien

6. Curt Weldon (R-Pennsylvania) - Martian / Martien

7 - Brian Kerns (R-Indiana) - Alien lizard / Lezard extraterrestre

8 - Floyd D. Spence (R-South Carolina) - Alien lizard / Lezard extraterrestre


Note : The Committees assignments cited above are merely illustrative. They are not aliens because they serve on these Committees. They serve on these Committees because they're aliens.