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PJ:Oh, geez, those prawns were good.
M: I'm surprised you noticed, considering the speed you ate them.
PJ: Well you know me and prawn Maggs, i love 'em. I would have had a second course but considering the movie starts in 15 minutes....(PJ burps) oh, excuse me.
M: No.
PJ: Sorry?
M: I said, no i won't excuse you. You've got indigestion because you wolfed your prawns down so quickly, because you want to get home and you want to watch some boring action thriller.
PJ: I thought you like action movies. You know Bruce Willis is in it.
M: So.
PJ: Well you said he was sexy.
M: Well there I was thinking you thought I thought you were sexy
PJ: What? Maggs, these's no need to get worked up about it.
M: I am not getting worked up.
PJ: No, if you don't want watch it we can watch something else, really.
M: That's not the point.
PJ: Well whats the point? You should tell me.
M: No, dont' pretend that you're watching it for me, because I like the leading man.
PJ: Maggie, you told me you did.
M: Oh, I know what you're're trying to turn this around on me.
PJ: what? I'm not.
M: You like watching the movies because you like bad movies and especially violent ones, and you like watching them with me because you can amuse yourself with a bit of slap and tickle in the quiet bits between explosions..and what's worse is the so called "action" component gets your testosterone flowing so you can.........have a quiet bonk afterwards.
PJ: So you don't like Bruce Willis?


PJ: Maggs, we don't bonk,we make love, okay?
M: No, we don't PJ, we don't. Making love isn't just something you do in bed. It's going on romantic dinners, or dancing and going on picnics and.....
PJ: Dancing? you want to go dancing?
M: No, I was just uaing that as an example.
PJ: No, we can go dancing. I love dancing.
M: no, PJ, thats beside the point.
PJ: No, I can rent the movie another time. We can go dancing, okay, lets go dancing.


M: (opens door) I've been looking for you. I went home and waited there and you didn't come, so I went to your place.
PJ:And I went to yours, I must have missed you.
M: PJ, nothing else happened. I promise you that.
PJ: Oh, Maggs, you wouldn't have had that impulse if I really made you happy though, would you?
M: I just don't want you to take us for granted, that's all.
PJ: I would never take you for granted. I love you Maggie. And what we got is special. (walks over to her) Yuo and Me, it's the most important thing in my life.
M: And it is for me too.
PJ: Come here
Maggie and PJ hug, pull apart then kiss. You can hear Jack and Jo coming into the main part of the station. PJ and Maggie break apart and leave to CI office.