My observations from Newsies- All of the things that I have noticed in Newsies! The list is still growing! If you have any more please email them to me.
Webrings All the webrings that I belong to! Plus mine! If you have a website of your own you can join a webring.
Fan fiction Corner My fan-fiction plus stuff by other authors!
Newsies Polls-Different polls about newsies that you can take! Please take them!
The Characters, and the actors who played them Info about the actors and the characters.
My Links Page Links to the best Newsies websites on the web!
My Top 20 Favorite NewsiesSelf explaintory. My favorite NEwsies!
Everything About Me Info about yours truly.
MY FAN-FIC CONTEST- Info about the fan-fic contest the Melody and I are running! Send in your fan-fic!
My SurveyPlease take my Survey!
What if? Different things to ponder about if Newsies had been made differently.
My disclamer
Welcome one and all to my Newsies website. Please be patient as my collection grows.
September 3rd. On a sad note, actor Troy Donahue died yesterday. He was such an amazing actor. His presence in Hollywood will surley be missed. I have set up a tiny page in honor of him. Troy Donahue 1936-2001 .
Everyone take my survey and sign my guestbook!! Please!! Please!!
Currently I have observations, bloopers, and the beginings of fan fiction. I have completed my first fanfic. AN UNLIKLEY ROMANCE is finished!! And you can be the first to read it here!
Iam looking for any fan-fic I can get my hands on. So please if you have any I can use please feel free to send it to me.
Meanwhile, sign my guestbook please!
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