
Welcome, like any good Newsies website Iam going to include some observations and bloopers. These are ones I have seen myself. If you know of any that Iam missing email me.

- Specs is sleeping with cucumbers on his eyes right before CTB begins.

- Specs must have bad morning breath

- Why are Itey and Snitch in the same bed in the begining of CTB?

- Jake running into the bathroom without his pants on during CTB

-Max is late on his pelvic thrust during CTB

-Mush is really late during CTB

-Jack trips over his own feet during CTB

-During CTB some kid gets dragged out of "We need a good assaination."

-Jake is late on his dubbing after "Dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma?"

-Jack never even touches the Delancy's during the fight scene.

- During Santa Fe it looks like Jack is choking that poor horse.

-THis one is noticed alot. It was raining while Jack was having dinner, but while he sings Santa Fe, the street is not muddy.

-This is just me, but does Jonathan come off as slightly sissy???

-Before the World Will Know, Crutchy has money in his hat, but his hat magically dissapears.