Racetrack Higgins

Racetrack Higgins is the Newsie with the most realistic New York accent. Racetrack is a gambling addict in the making. If he would have been around today, he would be one of those people in Las Vegas who drop hundreds of dollars a day. Every day he hangs around the racetrack betting on horses as the money comes in. Racetrack is another actual Newsboy from the 1899 Strike. He was one of the leaders.

Max Casella is the face behind Race. (Hey that rymes.) He played Vinnie in the show Dougie Howser M.D.

He has also recently made his mark on Broadway. He originated the roll of Timon when the Lion King opened and he also originated the roll of Marcellus Washburn in the revival of the Music Man starring Craig Bierko and Rebbecca Luker.

Notable Films

1. Sgt. Bilko- Dino Paperille

2. Little Mermaid Two- Tip the Penguin

3. Dinosaur- Zulu the monkey

4. Trial and Error- Dr. Brown

5. Analyze This- Nicky (The guy who Robert DeNiro threatens to club with a pipe)