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So many people have asked me.."What`s it like up there in Canada?"

This page is a partial explanation for that question,

with a humorous bent of course....he he


1. You stand up in "line-ups" at the movies, not lines.

2. You understand the sentence, "Could you please pass me a serviette, I just spilled my poutine."

3. You know that a mickey and 2-4`s mean "Party at the camp, eh?!"

4. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

5. You know that the Friendly Giant isn`t a vegetable product line.

6. You are excited whenever an American TV show mentions Canada.

7. You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.

8. You know what a toque is.

9. You know all the words of "The Star Spangled Banner" from all the hockey games you`ve watched on TV.

10. You honestly believe Smarties are better than M&Ms, and can taste the difference (and eat the red ones last).

11. You only know three spices: salt, pepper and ketchup.

12. The mosquitos have landing lights.

13. You know 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, almost Winter and Construction.

14. Driving in winter is better because the potholes are filled with snow.

15. You think it`s a thrill when the snow doesn`t stick to your shovel...or in Vancouver`s case...when the rain doesn`t flood your basement. (I`m from Vancouver, by the way..grin)

A joke about how Canada got it`s name:

When John A. MacDonald and Friends were trying to figure out the name of this great place, someone had a great idea. "Let`s stick all the letters into a hat and draw three of them. That will be the name of this place." So they did...

1st letter was pulled and the guy shouted - "C" eh?!

2nd letter was pulled and the guy shouted - "N" eh?!

3rd letter was pulled and the guy shouted - "D" eh?!

"Proud to be Canadian" written and performed by The Arrogant Worms

Also, I AM CANADIAN, a famous rant, from the Molson beer commercial...

A contribution from radio station Edge 102 - I AM NOT CANADIAN...(goes to show we Canucks have a sense of humour....with a U...grin)

The 2001 version of the I AM Canadian Anthem

Hope you had fun

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