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I stand....

watching as the child labours,

with pail and shovel...

He turns away offers of help

from other children on the beach.

His focus is on this castle....alone...

He has forgotten his hunger, his thirst,

his special television show that he is missing...

He concentrates on this castle....alone...

He does not think...of the impending tide...

the misplaced step

of one much less careful than he...

He thinks only of the creation

and to make it the best castle that he can...

He sees no one watching...

He sees not the smile lingering on my lips....

as I think my castles....

real and made of sand....

some realized....and yet...

to come...

Therein, are all the possibilities of life...

for those who wish to live it,

to it`s fullest...

I, for one, shall....

How about you?...


Photo by hawkspirit

A wonderful sandcastle built on Penticton`s beautiful beach, Penticton, B.C.

July, 2001

Hawkspirit`s Pages