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This is a picture taken of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada...looking towards the northeast.

The city is across English Bay from the Planetarium in the foreground.

The mountains in the background are on the North Shore..Mt. Seymour, in North Vancouver.

This is beautiful Kitsilano Beach. Wonderful sand...friendly people...One of the many beaches closeby.

A view of the city looking east from Stanley Park at "The Sails"...the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre. Many of the cruise ships going to Alaska dock here.

Vancouver downtown night.

The Science Centre at night.

A B.C. ferry departing from Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver....bound for Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island. It`s a 1 1/2 hr. ride to the Island...due west.

Well, there you have it...a tour of my beautiful city. Below is the address of the Vancouver Tourist Bureau. Why the song you ask? Well, it`s not that we have a LOT of rain..(in the winter)..but why else do you think we have such tall trees and everything is sooooooo green?


Vancouver Tourism Web Site
Peace in the Forest - old growth forest here in BC
Vancouver weather forecast
Hawkspirit`s Pages