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Your God Is Too Small

A relevant passage for our time is found in Psalm 139 vs.1-5.

If we are going to live in this modern world we need a strong faith and an adequate concept of God. Many of us have not found God big enough for modern needs. So many are living without a faith in God. As a child we have a concept of God along with our belief in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus! As the years progressed we outgrew our belief in the tooth fairy. Unfortunately, we don't seem to discover an adult God with whom we can live.

We work hard at attaining an education, finding a job and finding a lifetime partner. We seem to expect our casual conception of God to be sufficient. Some of us view God as a spare tire! You know, that tire that you don't ever think of until you need it (that tire that is deflated sometimes when you need it!). God is our PRESENT help in the time of trouble. Yet some see God as an unjust God. He allows prayers to go unanswered and bad things to happen to those who do not deserve it.

Some of us have just substituted God for an adult version of Santa Claus, the giver of all things. We pervert our trust in God into a selfish means to an end -a heavenly Santa or Mr. Fix-It. We must discover a God who can seize and claim our hearts, our minds and our lives. Knowledge of God can be explained by looking at him in Jesus Christ. See Jesus as more than a Prophet and great teacher who walked with God. To Know Jesus is to know God. Jesus is where a genuine knowledge of God begins and ends.

Lord, you have examined me and You know me. You know everything about me. You know everything I do: from faraway you understand all my thoughts. You see me, whether I am working or resting; You know all my actions. Even before I speak, You already know what I will say. You are all around me on every side; You protect me with all your power.

Psalms 139: vs. 1-5


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