So I'm Sure You Want To Know What To Expect From My WebPage, So Here's A List!
"Follow the White Rabbit."
"Yeah. Yeah. Okay, sure. I'll go."
"How do you know that name?"
"Right! Free my mind...."
"It's cold..."
"Jesus Christ! That thing's REAL!"
"That sounds like a very good deal. I have a better one; how about I give you the finger. And you give me my phone call." ["What good is a phonecall Mr. Anderson, if you cannot...speak...?" (Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith)]
"I know Kung-Fu..." (after 10 hours in virual lessons) ["What do you need?...other than a miracle..." (Marcus Chong as Tank)] "Guns...lots of guns."
"There is no spoon...?"
"What is happening to me?"
"Oh, deja vu." ["What did you say?" (Carrie-Ann Moss as Trinity)] "Nothing just a little deja vu." ["What did you see?"]
"Are you telling me I can dodge bullets?" ["No Neo. I'm telling you that when you're ready, you won't have to." (Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus)]
["Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson!? That is the sound of innevitability. That is the sound of your death. I'm going to enjoy watching you die, Mr. Anderson." (Agent Smith)] "My name is Neo."
"Am I dead?" ["Far from it." (Morpheus)]
"Why do my eyes hurt?" ["You've never used them before." (Morpheus)]
"I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without boarders and boundries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you."
"Unfortunately no one can be told about the Matrix. You have to see it for yourself." [Morpheus]
"You may have spent a few years looking for me, but I've spent my whole life looking for you." [Morpheus]
"I did what I did because I had to." [Morpheus]
"All I can tell you is that you are in danger." [Trinity]
"Dodge this." [Trinity]
"Here, have a cookie. I promise when you finish eating it you'll be feeling right as rain." [the oracle]
"WHOA! Neo! You scared the bejesus out of me!" [Joe Pantoliano as Cypher]
"Why, oh why, oh why didn't I take the blue pill?" [Cypher]
"Ignorance is bliss." [Cypher]
"Welcome to the real world." [Morpheus]
"I'll give you one piece of advice; be honest. He knows more than you could imagine." [Trinity to Neo before meeting Morpheus]
"Look, Coppertop. Right now there's one rule: OUR way or the highway." [Switch]
"Neo, you've been down that road before. You know exactly where it ends." [Trinity]
"You're empty." (Agent Smith) ["So are you." (Neo)]
"Welcome to the desert...of the real." [Morpheus]
"That means, buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kanzas is goin' bye-bye." [Cypher]
"Have you ever had a dream Neo, that you were so sure was real?" [Morpheus]
"Morpheus is fighting Neo." [Mouse]
"Why have I beaten you?" ["You're too fast." (Keanu Reeves as Neo)] "Do you think my being stronger and faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place?...Do you think that is air that you are breathing?" [Morpheus]
"We're supposed to go through these operating programs, which is just a load of bonehead sh*t. How about something a bit more exciting... combat training!" [Tank - the operator] ["Ju Jitsu?! I'm going to learn Ju Jitsu?!" (Neo)]
"Never send a human do to a machine's job." [Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith]
"Maybe what I thought Tasty Wheat tasted like tasted more like oatmeal or tunafish. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Like maybe the computers couldn't figure out what chicken should taste like and that's why everything tastes like chicken." [Mouse]
"The digital-pimp hard at work." [Switch]
"You enjoy watching him, don't you?" [Cypher]
"Just look into those big, pretty eyes and tell me yes, or no." ["Yes." (Trinity)] "I don't believe it." [Cypher]
"You cannot bend the spoon - that is impossible. Instead try to understand the truth." ["What truth?" (Neo)] "There is no spoon." [Rowan Witt as Spoon Boy]
***This Is SILLY Stuff!***
I wish I was a wee little leprechaun
I wish I came from me shinin pot-o-gold, at the end of the rainbow where the skittles fall like cats and dogs, come with me, take my hand and we'll run on down to the rodeo and dance the night away in our glass slippers
laugh laugh my little goat boy, for tomorrow is another day full of exciting adventures with oversized lint balls
I'm flying up above the ugly shoes... where storms form from grey underpants and little boys and girls love to jump down to the meadow full of lost grasshoppers
because you know, all the little hermits always laughed at my jokes, especially after eating the smelly toads
oh yeah well I guess I just can't help it, ya know I mean I have to take out the pigs every day and wash them, and then when ricola cough drops come flyin at my head... I just have to sit in a big pile of yetti s***
dude, where'd my golden fleece go?? I'm the fricken prince of egypt and where's my song featuring Mariah Carey and frickin Whitney Houston... I demand respect, I should get shamrocks and old saltine crackers, ya know
friends are hard to come by these days, especially with this d*** metal plate stuck in my neck, you know I mean mah daddy tried to rip it out but I started bleeding everywhere and then aunt jamima frickin ran away with my favorite toy soldier
water is like an ocean.... it's like they look so much alike, do you think they're cousins???? maybe my dog skip rented a big muffin to place over the sun. But that's not possible said the man with no skeletal structure, it can't be, for the arch of the two bleeding pilgrims is just not sanitary enough!
Who are you to tell me what is so, I have come from a land with loud deer ticks who gather lyme disease in the forest!
I know not of what you speak, but of what you lay, I know. You lay upon a garden of thunder clouds and everytime you throw up, your mother jumps into a vatt of steaming doorbells.
You, you speak to me as if I do not know where I come from, you shouldn't talk about my mother like that, for she is nifty and spiffy boo.... my desk loves the kid next door and his bike is full of mondain monks.
He tried once, my son... to bite the screen from the chewy granola bars, but it was outburstly delightful. If snackwells can make fat free foods, my foot can sure as well hit on little termites... the termites which sleep with me in my bed of vicious gold bars and cats which smoke the ultimate notebook.
She told me not to play Martha Stewart's CD's but I couldnt help but want to cry over the balcony. I should have listened, but I left my frog legs behind. Love is like a book of matches, one cheats on you and the other picks their teeth in front of my uncle cleevis! I just don't understand why apples grow on treasure cheasts and drums are made of chocolate tooth paste!
Pathetic, it is... to drink of the blue paint which is strewed upon my femur's grandfather! Oh I wish that life could be simple, to be like it was when the beasts walked the earth in search for giant hearts made out of stone. Where dinosaurs didn't judge people based on what size their shoes were or how clean their monkey's rectum was.
I like to look back to when I was a child and the dogs of the poor would kiss the legs of tall toad stools. And Cinderella came running in her Air Nike's to suck the life out of big Oak Trees. Those were the days, no worries or strife. Like a feather floating in the honey suckle dormatory... like a bird falling from a mousepad's wife... like it was when old men were frozen children in the crop of the coffee creamer. I miss the life of the past bleach with microphones streaming across the hour.
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