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Sunday School and Sermon Notes

From Brother Sam's pen

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Hebrews 11:30-40
Central Message: Those who trust in God cling to their faith
in His Word despite the appearance of doubtfule circumstances.
Those who remain fiathful discover that:
I. Faith Often Conquers Enemies
II Faith Often Continues to Endure
III> Faith Always Counts on the Ending

Sunday Night Emphasis: "Signs of His Coming"
Matthew 24:1-28
Central Message: Jesus Christ reveals the
general events which must precede His return in glory.
Jesus outlines some principles regarding His Second Coming
I. God Unfold His Judgment in a series of Catastrophic
Events. (24:15) II. Jesus Points to Mistaken Signs of His Coming.
(24:4) III. Earlier Prophicies of Destruction Have Been
IV. Two definite Signs Will Precede Christ's Coming Evangelization of the World
Distress in the World
V. Christ Will Come at the Appointed Time of the Father
(24:26-28) A Noticeable Return
A Glorious Return
A Necessary Return

Dec. 5, 1999 Adult Sunday School: "Live in Light"
I John 1/1-2:2

Central Truth: Our Christian witness is made credible
when we walk with Christ in honesty and moral purity.

I Rejoicing in Fellowship. (1:1-4)
....Why should we believe John and the other apostles when they
write of salvation in Christ?
....What does it mean to have fellowhip with someone?
....Why does true joy in relationships depend on fellowship?

II Walking in the Light. (1:5-8)
.... How do we declare the message that God is all light?
....What things do we lose when we step out of the light?
....How can we be truthful with ourselves and with God?

III Confessing Our Sins (1:9-10)
...How do we remain in the light on a daily basis?
.... Why do we need daily cleansing if Christ has already
forgiven us of our sins?
....How can God forgive us and remain a just God?
IV Trusting Our Advocate (2:1-2)
....What is the difference between the Christian who
sins and the unbeliever who lives in sin?
....What happens in heaven when we confess our sins?
....Why can we say that God is no longer angry with us?

"Obeying God"
Central Truth: Our obedience to God's call to missions
and evangelism leads to many having the opportunity to
hear the gospel and respond.
I. God Sometimes Gives Second Chances. Why is our response the second time different from the first?
What do we learn about God from His second chance?
Why does God often give us instructions in bits and pieces?
II. God Expects Obedience
How do we sometimes end up in the last place we would ever
III.God Uses Obedient People
Why would unbelievers begin to believe God?
What is our reaction when our obedience leads to others
hearing God for the first time?
When is the only time God changes His mind?

Nov. 7 Sunday School Lesson

Running from God
Central Truth: God calls His people to spread His
message of forgiveness to every culture.

I. Call to Go. (1:1-2)
How do we know when God calls us?
Why does God send His message to those who have
rebelled against Him?
What must happen in the heart of the messenger
before He can truly communicate God's message to
wicked people?

II.Attempt to Run. (1:3)
What is the real problem when we run from God's call?
Why would someone literally flee the place of the call?
Where can we go to hide from God? (psalm 139)

III. God's Persistence (1:4-10)
How many times do you notice God actively causing things
to happen in this story? What does this say about God?

IV. Personal Responsibility (1:11-16)
What is the ultimate act of fleeing from God?
Why won't God accept suicide as a compromise?
What is God's attitude toward the making of vows?

Sunday, Nov. 7 AM "Love on the Narrow Way
Matthew 5:38-48
Central Message: Those who walk the narrow way with Christ
respond to mistreatment and opposition from others with the
same supernatural love which Jesus displayed.
Our love exceeds the conditional love the world offers when we:

I. Exercise the Selflessness of Christ (5:38-42) ...To love as Jesus loved means that you must:
*Disregard You Dignity
("strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other")
*Sacrifice Your Security ("wants to sure you...let him have your cloak as well")
Limit Your Liberty
("forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles")
*Part With Your Possessions
("give to the one who asks...the one who wants to borrow")

II Emulate the Service of Christ
... We love others by meeting their needs and by:
*Including All People
("But I tell you: love your enemies")
*Interceding for Adversaries
(Pray for those who persecute you")
*Imitating the Amighty
("be your heavenly Father is perfect")
