Welcome Everyone.This site is for our little angel Bailey. During your visit here, you will learn all about her. From the pregnancy up to what she is doing now. We are so lucky to have such a smart, beautiful little girl. We thank God everyday for her. She has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. So please, read on and let us share our little girl with you I found out I was pregnant with Bailey on Mother's Day. What a wonderful gift. We already have one son, who at this time was almost 4 years old. We decided it was time to make an addition to the family. We had tried for several months before we got pregnant. We were so excited to learn that we were going to have another baby. We wanted a girl, but really didn't care what it was as long as it was healthy. The whole pregnancy was great. No morning sickness, no nothing! I was feeling great. All OB visits were well too. I really didn't gain all that much weight. And that I was glad about. We had a sonogram about 5 months into the pregnancy. The doctor says" Well, it is a girl"!! Chris was so happy to be getting a little girl. So everything was planned, except for her name, which we fought about all the time. I loved the name Bailey. I had chose that before we knew the sex. It was a universal name. It could go for either a boy or a girl. Grey is my great- grandmother's middle name. So after much fighting, I won. Bailey Grey was to be her name!! The pregnancy was still going great. At about 7 months, is when things got a little shaky. I was sitting at home at about 9pm. I started having really bad cramps that would just not go away. The OB I went to would only deliver at Baptist Medical Center. Not my most favorite place. I go to the hospital and they put me through a series of testing before they decided to keep me.Well at about 11:30 that night, after watching my contractions, they told me the best thing to do was to get Magnesium Sulfate. They told me that this would give her a better chance at remaining in the womb. Okay, I was all for it even with all the negative side effects. So, I recieved the IV, and things went down hill from there. They took me back to the sonogram room, where the doctor there tried to tell me I was only 6 months. I argued and argued but I lost that fight. He gave me a stronger dose of Mag. Sulfate. A few hours later I could hardly breathe. I kept telling them that I felt like I was drowning. They wouldn't listen. I could not lay back, I could not sit up, I was suffocating. Finally, after a few hours of crying and telling them something was wrong, they ordered a chest x-ray. Sure enough, I had fluid building up in my lungs.They were suppose to turn down my IV fluids when they gave me the Mag, but they didn't. They told me that after they shut the Mag off, the fluid would subside. I ordered them to shut it off right then. They sent a nurse in my room to tell me that if I shut the meds off, and my child was born early, they would have to call DSS. That to them was a form of child abuse.I didn't care. I wanted it OFF! After they shut it off, my contractions had stopped hours prior to that. I got up, got dressed, and I signed myself out of that hospital. I called my mother in law to come get me because Chris was working. She came and got me. I went home and it took me a few days to get myself back to normal. Everything was fine after that. The next month went by, no problems I was right at 37 weeks and the contractions started again. I went to a different hospital, Richland Memorial, the best hospital there is here where I live. This was on December 29,2000. I was going to have this baby no matter what. I was admitted and hooked up to IV fluids. I was in no pain this time. I only had minor cramps. The nurses were watching my contractions from the nurse's station. They kept coming in to see if I wanted something for the pain. What pain? I was in no pain. They were also tracking her heart rate, which they kept losing on the monitor. The OB on call came in and said he was going to break my water, and insert an internal fetal heart monitor. This is when I had pain. He broke my water, insert the monitor, and I was then screaming for an epidural. It was too late. She was almost ready to come. You can also visit my Preemie |
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