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My Fun Stuff

My Pet


Meet my dog, Belle. Belle is pure Chihuahua and unlike most of her breed, she is a very friendy and sweet dog. Like most Chihuahua's, though, she does tend to be nervous and get the shakes, especially when being scolded or when exposed to the cold for too long. She very rarely barks, which is very uncharacteristic of Chihuahua's. This is one of the main reasons I really enjoy having her as a pet, and also that fact that she is small, weighing only abut 6 1/2 pounds. One of her favorite things to do is go for a ride in my truck with me, even if it's just driving to the end of the driveway to get the newspaper. And don't say the word 'cheese' too loud! If she could talk, I'm sure sure would say "Yo Quiero cheese", meaning "I want cheese". She does get frequent 'bites' of cheese, especially when my daughter is around! Belle is extremely friendly to anyone who may come to my house. She is a good companion and I really enjoy having her as a pet.

Family Ski Trip

These are some of the fun times we had on our first annual ski trip to Colorado taken in January 2003. It was quite an experience, especially for me and my daughter, and my son and his good friend, since we had never been skiing before. We did take 'ski school' lessons on our first day there, which I highly recommend if you have never been skiing before. It sure does take a lot a balance and coordination to learn to ski, and use of muscles that you may have never used before! We were all tired and sore, including my brother, his wife, and my sister, who live in Colorado and already knew how to ski. But a good time was had by all.
(Pictures: top right-my daughter, just a little aggravated during ski school lessons; bottom right-my son skiing down a slope..he caught on quick; bottom left-my son, his friend 'crashed' in the snow, my niece and nephew laughing at him; upper left-group pose on our last day of skiing.)

A Wedding Celebration!

My daughter's wedding was quite a family event. My 3 sisters, 3 brothers, and mom and dad were all together for this weekend in Natchitoches. My daughter planned and became very stressed out at times over the 11 months of planning her wedding. One of my sisters, who was the 'wedding co-ordinator', did an excellent job of helping my daughter have the wedding of her dreams, as you can see in this 'montage' of pictures I put together. Everybody had a great time! It was a very memorable celebration.
(Pictures: top left-my son and daughter dancing; bottom left-my daughter and her new husband; right-my daughter breathing a sigh of relief!)
